The Eternal Court of Summer

Entered into for convenience, the marriage had grown into one of true love and devotion that had lasted 60 years. But Daniel Harrigan’s wife was gone now and little connected him to this life. His career in academic folklore had wound up. His family had grown away from him since his wife’s passing. He wondered now if it was too late to finally feel the forbidden touch.

These were the thoughts Daniel sought escape from in his study when, on his desk, he found a book with a plain cover he had no recollection of. Confused, he opened it at random and came across a painting. Appearing to be late medieval to early renaissance, it depicted a hall filled with people…not just people, men, some hairy, some with flat noses, with robes and with pointed teeth, doing all manner of things with and to each other.

And two sat above it all. One was dressed in purple and as Daniel studied the details of his face and muscles he felt his back creak. He had involuntary arched his ass out. The other man was young and dressed in a pink Daniel thought impossibly vibrant for the painting’s era. When Daniel saw the young man’s smile he felt his heart laid bare.

Daniel glanced at the title: “The Étrad Sídhthe Hold Court.” He read on.

Beta Patron Request by Anonymous
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Demonic Dominion

The good reverend Mikael Cain is not at all as “good” as his title implies. The head of a mega-church and the associated media empire, he revels in the abuse of the power he holds over his vulnerable flock.

Despite being middle-aged, Mikael maintains a healthy body subsidized by the offerings of his congregation. Despite posturing himself as a spiritual guide for his community, young men who are confused by their sexuality, looking for advice, are never safe around them as he’s more than willing to use their insecurities against them.

Unfortunately for Mikael, the newest target for his twisted schemes might prove to be more than he can handle.

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Deep Desires

Most of the time, the transformations applied to the multitudes of young men take their sexual orientation from straight to gay—taking something that’s already there and twisting it into something different but similar. But what about the men who don’t have that little something? Men who are sex-repulsed aces (or sex-positive aces, no judgement), or are demi-sexual and searching for the right person to become attracted to?

If it’s not possible for us to generate sexual attraction without emotional attachment, or generate sexual attraction at all, what happens to us then? Are we just passed over, or do we at least get the chance to love and be loved even without the promise of sex?

Story Request by @Pyrico
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