As Advertised

My roommate has been talking a lot about this new drink and how it makes him stronger and more manly. At first, I thought he was full of it, but it’s getting hard to deny the results. He’s all buff and aggressive now, and I think he’s getting taller?

There’s been some weird stuff going on, though. He says his grades are going down the toilet. He keeps looking at me in this weird way… and… oh God, that smell… I think it’s doing something to me…

I feel smaller… And my head’s going fuzzy…

Alpha Patron Request by @willowonthelake
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All the Boys in the Yard

A new milkshake place is the talk of the town, but Tanner doesn’t really pay much attention until his staunchly anti-capitalist, “Eat the Rich!” emo roommate applies for a job at the place and practically disappears. Now, he has to know what all the fuss is about—and it’s not like the muscle-bound himbo servers in their tight tank-tops and short shorts are bad to look at.

Beta Patron Request by @wigglywogglywaffles
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Omega Enrichment

Liam graduated almost a year ago, yet he hasn’t found a position to start his career. Interviews never seem to go anywhere. He’s also quite lonely, as he has a hard time getting outside his head and hasn’t connected well with others. Still a virgin, he hasn’t dated at all. Like job interviews, online dating interactions fizzle out. All that is about to change when Liam decides to apply for a position at Hierarch Industries.

Beta Patron Request by @trekoid-pr0n
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Sex Education

James’ hadn’t planned on attending a sex and kink (SK) college after high school. With the injury dashing his hopes of a sports scholarship and not wanting to join the military, it seemed like the best option forward considering his physical prowess.

Nowadays, there were plenty of well-respected opportunities for SK college graduates in a wide variety of fields. Many led to lifetime placements.

Truthfully, James had gotten overwhelmed by the multitudinous specializations for his degree and he was looking forward to his first meeting with his guidance counselor to get advice on how to proceed.

Beta Patron Request by @trekoid-pr0n
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In the Short Term

Memory and intelligence is such an interesting multifaceted subject. Had a great time discussing it during Psychology lectures.

The reason I bring it up is because Tom Holland cannot remember not to spoil the endings of his movies. Every interview he forgets to stop talking but doesn’t forget the story.

Episodic vs Semantic memory, explicit vs implicit. Question to the Pink Fairy. How much damage can it do to a boys intelligence if you surgically remove their ability to remember events of their lives, but leave the rest of their cognitive facilities intact? Present your findings to the group.

Supporter Request by @blazefiresabre1
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