Late Bloomer

O dear Purple Fairy, I beseech thee to hear my plea.

Okay, I can’t keep that up the whole time. My friend just turned eighteen, and he is really bummed that puberty only ended him at about five and a half feet.

He is one of the smallest guys in town. On top of that, people keep calling him ugly. I don’t think he is that bad myself, but he is kind of plain. Brown hairs, brown eyes, a large nose and big lips that would make you think he was bottom.

I see the pain on his face more often than not, and wanted to help him. Of course I don’t think he wants to wait twenty years for me to try to become a pharmacist and create a drug. So I have come to you to see if you could help him.

Please grow him, make him a dom and a prime example of your work. Give him a body even male models would be jealous of. I don’t care what happens to me, make me his bitch, another dom to be his bro. I don’t care. Just please help my friend.

Beta Patron Request by @karkat-kanaya-mix
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Good Nights

Dear Purple Fairy,

I think my boy, Jimmy, asked your pink property for some help. I’d been plug training him to get him accustomed to my size, and he may have gotten too eager to please me. I came home from work to find him firmly working the largest plug and none of his chores completed. The loss in IQ isn’t a problem. His singular focus is always on me now, and damn if his ass isn’t a perfect fit. I swear it grips now.

Things would be great, except I like to spoon my boy when we sleep; nude of course. Really nestle his ass in my crotch, pull him in close and let him feel the weight of my love. Thing is, his ass is so needy now, I gotta keep him plugged 24/7 when I’m not plowing, otherwise he just restlessly whimpers and moans. A man can’t sleep with an unsatiated boy in his bed. But I don’t like the feel of the hard rubber base on my shaft, and it gets in the way of the morning sowing.

Could you make it so I can safely maintain a nine hour nocturnal erection? That way I can satiate my boy properly, with my meat not inferior rubber. Also, I don’t presume to tell a man what he should do with his property, but if the pink boy was mine, some discipline would be in order for disturbing a man’s sleep.

Best regards,
Alpha Richard

Beta Patron Request by @trekoid-pr0n
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I just made the football team for my university, and im super stoked! The coach is having us all meet up in the locker room later today, but his email mentioned something about new rules that he was gonna be enforcing this year. Some of the more senior players in the know seem antsy about it. I wonder if I should be worried?

Beta Patron Request by @Fen
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Muscle Fag

Hey Pink Fairy,

Why are straight guys so weird?

I was getting dressed after a great workout, when this really jacked dude I’ve seen around the gym walked up to the locker next to mine. Since we were standing right next to each other it seemed appropriate to make some small talk. So I said that I’d seen him around and it looked like he was hitting the weights pretty hard and that I was really impressed with his physique.

It was intended it purely as a compliment, but he got all weirded out like I was hitting on him or something. He says something about “no thanks…I don’t swing that way.” or something and stalked off after slamming his locker.

It was so embarrassing. And frustrating! I mean, ok, I guess he could tell I was gay. But just because a gay dude compliments you it doesn’t mean they’re trying to get in your pants!

I wish he could learn to loosen up a bit. I mean, the guy has a body of a fitness model. Why not be happy when someone appreciates it?

Alpha Patron Request by @masqulinity
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Sharing is Caring

Hey Pink Fairy,

I got assigned to share a suite with a couple of other guys at college this year. It is a pretty standard set up — we each have a small room for sleeping and studying with a common living area and bathroom to share.

The problem is my roommates, Brad and Zack. I just don’t mesh with them. I mean, I get it on some level. We don’t have a lot in common. They’re both jocks — tall, muscular, handsome, popular. And straight.

I’m fit, but kind of short and not terribly athletic. And I’m more of an intellectual. Me being gay hasn’t been too much of an issue for them, except…they’ve kind of made it clear that they don’t want me around much.

They treat our living area like their own private space so there is little space left for me or my stuff. They totally control the TV and gaming. And they even stop talking as soon as I enter the room, and sit there awkwardly until I finish what I’m doing and leave. I pretty quickly gave up any idea of hanging out with them, using the space, or…you know…having any kind of a relationship with either of them.

I have to be honest, they both make pretty nice eye candy. But I can’t even really enjoy that because I don’t want them to think I’m perving on them and give them even more of a reason to make things awkward around our place.

Truthfully, I’m getting kind of annoyed at the situation and being crammed in my little room all the time. I don’t need to crush on them, or be best friends with them or anything. I just wish they’d want to have me around more.

I sure could use your help.


Alpha Patron Request by @Masqulinity
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My roomie has a job working in the design lab for some big tech corporation, and he’s been staying awfully late at work recently. He comes home and seems all high and bubbly, and won’t stop offering me some new jocks, even though I only wear boxers. Well last night, I got tired of it and put them on to humor him, and now my nose is all itchy. And there’s this weird scent coming from somewhere…

Beta Patron Request by @fen
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The Eternal Court of Summer

Entered into for convenience, the marriage had grown into one of true love and devotion that had lasted 60 years. But Daniel Harrigan’s wife was gone now and little connected him to this life. His career in academic folklore had wound up. His family had grown away from him since his wife’s passing. He wondered now if it was too late to finally feel the forbidden touch.

These were the thoughts Daniel sought escape from in his study when, on his desk, he found a book with a plain cover he had no recollection of. Confused, he opened it at random and came across a painting. Appearing to be late medieval to early renaissance, it depicted a hall filled with people…not just people, men, some hairy, some with flat noses, with robes and with pointed teeth, doing all manner of things with and to each other.

And two sat above it all. One was dressed in purple and as Daniel studied the details of his face and muscles he felt his back creak. He had involuntary arched his ass out. The other man was young and dressed in a pink Daniel thought impossibly vibrant for the painting’s era. When Daniel saw the young man’s smile he felt his heart laid bare.

Daniel glanced at the title: “The Étrad Sídhthe Hold Court.” He read on.

Beta Patron Request by Anonymous
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Apex Predator

Jonathan and Kohaku are members of Greco-Roman wrestling teams competing at the Olympics when the entire contingent of competitors is abducted by aliens. In the face of a common adversary experimenting on them, the group forms a new hierarchical social construct akin to a tribe.

As time passes, they notice subtle changes in their bodies. Finally, communication with their captors is established, and the men learn the aliens intended to release them as the dominant lifeform on a planet they’ve been terraforming.

The changes to their bodies were to prepare them for their new environment, and to enable them to reproduce. The aliens had mistakenly interpreted the Olympics as a grand mating ritual, and only during space travel realized they had gathered only one gender.

Beta Patron Request by @trekoid-pr0n
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