Straight… Up The Ass

If the Fairy is still around and active, I have a request… I hate who I am. I have no motivation to work out so I look like a slob. I have no outlet to keep me unstressed from daily life.

I am straight, but I’m willing to give that, and my smarts, up if it means I am fit and unstressed. I’ve heard of this thing called himbofication… Is there a way I can be alpha-himbofied and maybe get to spread that himbofication if I fuck another man?

Story Request by @forgotten91
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Knot A Problem for Long

Isaac’s boyfriend of 4 years, Kevin, has walked out on their relationship, claiming that he has been “cured” and that he doesn’t want to be with the “faggot” anymore. He is miserable and bereft and desperate so he turns to ancient powers, willing to give up anything and everything to have Kevin back. The only problem is that this is easier said than done.

But the powers that be won’t let this insult stand. There is a balance to the cosmos, one that they have enforced in the absence of others who would do so, and an iniquity of this magnitude could not be allowed to remain unanswered.

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The Three MUSKeteers

Pink Fairy, I live with loud douchebag jocks that are smelly and messy. Honestly, I don’t mind that. In fact, I wish that they would stop talking about banging girls so much and focus their attention on me.

Hell, I love my guys big and a bit dirty and perverted. But they’re all so fucking straight that it feels like my only college experience will be with my left hand. So I wish that my three messy roommates will become massive body builders with a dirty crush on me.

Alpha Patron Request by @welan
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