Commission Information

Hi there! On this page, you’ll find basic information about my rates, the commissioning process, a few story themes and/or elements that I am unwilling to write about, and what you can expect when you procure my services to write a story for you.

Basic Information

Commission Rates:

  • Standard Rate: $16.00 per 1000 words ($0.016 per word)
  • Supporter/Regular Commissioner Rate: $14.00 per 1000 words ($0.014 per word)

Accepted Payment Methods: An invoice will be sent.
Payment: A 50% payment will be required upfront, with the remainder of the price to be paid before receipt of the final product. If you are willing to pay 100% upfront, that is preferable.
Timeline: You can reasonably expect to receive the first draft of the commissioned work within a week of the initial payment. This is subject to circumstances and availability, however, and may be shorter or longer.

Prohibited Content

I have a fairly broad range of story themes and elements that I am willing to write about and, in fact, enjoy writing about. However, as much as I would like to accommodate all requests, the following are a few things that I will not be accepting commissions of:

  1. Weight Gain/Feeder Themes
    • There is nothing wrong with these themes. I just don’t find them appealing and would thus struggle to write them.
  2. Explicit Gore and Gratuitous Violence (Including explicit depictions of surgery)
    • I have few issues with blood, but explicit descriptions of wounds and traumatic injury give me the heebie-jeebies.
  3. Fanfiction
    • Fanfiction commissions are a murky area of copyright law and in the interest of avoiding potential legal issues, I will refuse any commissions that involve established characters and settings without the explicit consent of the rights holders.
  4. Real Person Fiction (RPF)
    • RPF is a matter of ethical concern, especially with regard to the consent of the fictionalized real person. I may consider RPF commissions if the commissioner intends them for private use only but I will treat this on a case-by-case basis and in general, I will not be accepting them.

This is not an exhaustive list, and I may update it in the future. If you have any questions, please send in a Commission Inquiry below and I will do my best to get back to you.

Commission Process

Let’s say you’ve submitted a commission inquiry (do so below) and I accept it because I like the premise of the story you’re asking me to write. What can you expect?

  1. Discussion/Negotiation
    • In this first step of the commissioning process, we will discuss the story premise in detail and go over any characters and scenes that you want to see in the story.
    • In addition, we’ll be negotiating the final expected length of the story.
    • The commission rate is NOT up for negotiation.
  2. Initial Deposit
    • I will send you an invoice based on the negotiated length of the story and you will be expected to pay 50% of the sum.
    • Unless this deposit is paid, the commission process cannot continue.
  3. Drafting and Revision
    • Once I finish writing the first draft of your story, I will send you a preview to read over.
    • This will most likely come in the form of a HackMD (online Markdown editor) link.
    • If there are any revisions you’d like to be made to the story, this is where you can alert me to them
  4. Final Draft
    • Once all revisions have been taken care of and a final editing pass is completed, the final draft will be presented to you to read over one last time.
  5. Full Payment
    • Once everything is in order, you will be expected to pay any outstanding balance on the invoice.
    • Without full payment, the final product will not be delivered.
  6. Final Product
    • Once the balance has been settled, I will send you the final product via email.
    • You can expect:
      • The story in a word document format (.docx)
      • A link to the story on this blog (with a password if you choose to keep your commission private)
      • The Markdown source code

Commission Inquiries

If you would like to commission a story from me, please fill in the following form. Once you have completed the form, I will be in touch to confirm whether I am able to accept your commission.