Visitor From Beyond

Gideon is a genius and a savant with big dreams. When irrefutable proof of alien life lands right in his lap, he thinks he’s about to make a revolutionary contribution to science. What he finds instead is an encounter of a lifetime that changes his life forever.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

WARNING: The following story contains extreme elements that may be potentially disturbing to some, including but not limited to: brainplay, literal brain drain, partial vore (brain), fantastical/outlandish anatomy. Proceed at your own risk.

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Spending time at his private island with his boys has Cedrik thinking back to some of the formative experiences in his long life and the men he shared them with. Meanwhile, his boys experience firsthand the things those men taught Cedrik—things that will put them through their paces.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

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The Cockpocalypse pt. 2

Jackson meets with the settlement chief and is made an offer he can scarcely refuse. Though he knows it’s probably a bad idea and goes entirely against all regulations he’s obediently followed these past two years, he’s horny and pent-up enough that he can’t help but agree.

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Super Sucker pt. 22

Marcus cements his control over Bernard before returning home to see how Corey and his new pet pup, Auggie, have been getting along in his absence.

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Halcyon Sunset pt. 1

Team Halcyon is a would-be team of junior heroes in Storm City but the Hall of Heroes isn’t giving them the backing they need to succeed. Strapped for cash, one of their members looks to get a leg up on the competition by any means necessary—little does he know what awaits him on the other end.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

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Corrupted Co-Dependence pt. 9

Edric punishes Vayne for his inadvertent lie and sends him on a humiliating and perilous trip back to his chambers. After breakfast, Vayne pays a visit to an old friend who’s having a problem.

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Corrupted Co-Dependence pt. 8

Vayne wraps up the lesson with the kitchen staff and ends up on his hands and knees for Awain. On his way back to his chambers, he has a run-in with Edric that takes a rather unexpected turn.

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The Tyler Takedown pt. 5

After working hard at becoming a better person and a better student, the results of Tyler’s Chemistry final are released and everything works out in the end.

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Artificial Insemination pt. 1

The CSS Methuselah is one of the first colonization ships to be commissioned by the Terra Confederation. Aimed at the nearest habitable planet to the Solar System in order to start the first extrasolar colony, the Methuselah is to be guided through its long journey by one of the most sophisticated artificial intelligences produced by humanity: Enoch. When Captain Frederick Anderson awakens aboard the Methuselah a hundred years after the mission was due to land, he scarcely has time to play with his rock-hard erection before he realizes that something has gone terribly, horribly wrong. 

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