Artificial Insemination pt. 2

Freddie and Vincent finish blowing off some steam before the effort to save the Methuselah gets properly underway. Afterwards, Crewman Michaels volunteers to go on a reconnaissance mission into the quarantined zone.

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Super Sucker pt. 26

It’s the calm before the storm and Corey has some quality alone time. When Marcus meets with Bernard, he finds himself in a uniquely vulnerable position but he is, as ever, fully in control.

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The True Endgame pt. 2

Now that he’s had a taste of just how immersive Ascendancy Online can be, Neil feels a strange mix of anticipation and anxiety as he heads to the manor of Brandt City’s Patriarch.

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Captive Audience pt. 2

Opinions in Seaside City are sharply polarized when Justicar issues a challenge against Imperious and the Azure Synod. Thankfully, the anticipated showdown fails to materialize.

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