Chimera Conquest — Trevor pt. 4

Trevor has yet to come to terms with the strange new desires taking root inside him; he’s loath to even acknowledge them, but things take a turn when Peter arrives for a private martial arts lesson. Suffice it to say, Trevor might not have as much willpower as he thought.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

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Chimera Conquest — Trevor pt. 3

The Chan family are left to contend with the consequences of their disastrous first encounter with Chimera. Trevor, in particular, is suffering the price of his children’s safety as a ravenous beast and strange new desires rear their heads inside him.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

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Chimera Conquest — Trevor pt. 2

The Chan family has their first encounter with Chimera, the new villain on the block, and it doesn’t go well. Trevor is left with no choice but to acquiesce to Chimera’s demands, risking everything to try and save his family.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

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Chimera Conquest — Trevor pt. 1

Trevor Chan is a pillar of the community by day, defender of justice and protector of the weak by night. In another world, he might have been hailed a hero, but unlike the Artemisian Commonwealth, United Earth is hostile to espers. Someone has to protect the poor and unfortunate of Refuge Point, though, and since the government isn’t going to do it, Trevor, A.K.A. Golden Dragon is going to have to take matters into his own hands—even if that makes him a vigilante.

Life isn’t easy for a moonlighting superhero, though, and Trevor’s struggling to support his family. Little does he know just how much an unexpected encounter is going to change his and his adoptive sons’ lives forever.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

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Brains for Gains

Hello, Pink Fairy?

I am craving size so much but muscles take time to build and I need to get huge now. I’ll do anything. I’ll give up my IQ and my sex life to feed my muscles. Drain my IQ and use it to make my muscles huge. Use the cum I’m not using anymore to speed my metabolism, making me shredded.

Oh please, Pink Fairy, I beg you!

Story Request by @sven0204
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As Advertised

My roommate has been talking a lot about this new drink and how it makes him stronger and more manly. At first, I thought he was full of it, but it’s getting hard to deny the results. He’s all buff and aggressive now, and I think he’s getting taller?

There’s been some weird stuff going on, though. He says his grades are going down the toilet. He keeps looking at me in this weird way… and… oh God, that smell… I think it’s doing something to me…

I feel smaller… And my head’s going fuzzy…

Alpha Patron Request by @willowonthelake
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Super Sucker pt. 23

The plan continues apace as the legislative assembly gears up to debate what is likely to be the most consequential piece of legislation in the Commonwealth in decades. Corey takes some time to hone his powers as Godspark, Castor and Pollux go on a date and have some risky fun, and a new threat rears its head.

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