Randall is straight, or at the very least, he’s pretty sure he is. He hasn’t really had occasion to question his sexuality but it’s at his girlfriend’s cousin’s wedding where he catches the eye of a handsome guest on the other side of the aisle. The man’s gaze makes his heart beat faster in a way that his girlfriend hasn’t been able to in months.
Archives: Beta+ Stories
Stories for Beta+ patrons or higher
Dumbing Doubter pt. 4
Sean crosses the finish line on his dumbing down journey and his life will never be the same.
Dumbing Doubter pt. 3
Jack implants a trigger in Sean and slowly chips away at his intelligence.
Dumbing Doubter pt. 2
Sean’s journey into dumbing down begins with an introduction to trance.
Dumbing Doubter pt. 1
Sean is a writer of gay erotic romance, and when he gets into it with a fan about whether hypnosis is real, he ends up making a bet that changes his life forever.
Princess-Cut Diamond Thief pt. 7
Eli correctly guesses that his changing body would be of great interest to the dragon-obsessed Lord Esilrud, but a play at seduction to entice the duke quickly spirals out of Eli’s control as Lord Esilrud plays his sensitive body like a fiddle.
Princess-Cut Diamond Thief pt. 6
As their changes become more and more difficult to hide, Eli and Alric must take decisive action but an unexpected visit from the queen throws a wrench in their plans.
Princess-Cut Diamond Thief pt. 5
Eli continues to pursue his plans to build his wealth, while a new and dramatic change causes some pain and a lot of pleasure.
Princess-Cut Diamond Thief pt. 4
Eli’s plans are set in motion. His first target: Lord Brever, Count of Althay. Meanwhile, Eli’s and Alric’s transformations continue unabated. This time, the plug stolen from the dragon’s lair appears to have undergone some changes of its own.
Princess-Cut Diamond Thief pt. 3
Eli and Alric’s relationship deepens as they continue to undergo both mental and physical changes and Eli turns his attention to the kingdom’s nobles and their fat purses as the greed in his heart continues to grow.