The Cockpocalypse pt. 4

The Chief gives Jackson something to remember him by—a set of gifts that will keep him company through the long days ahead—and Jackson realizes that the Chief’s favor comes with a price tag.

Jackson savored the warmth. The feeling of the Chief’s naked chest pressed up against his back, their bodies slotted together as if they’d been made for each other, was the closest thing to real intimacy that he’d had ever since the world fell apart. It was giving him the strangest thoughts.

It was silly. Jackson knew that. Before the end of the world, he was never one to fall for a grand romantic gesture and the only thing the Chief had done for him so far was give him a taste of cock after so many dry years but he supposed he’d spent long enough feeling like a fish out of water that he’d become more vulnerable than he used to be.

There was so much that could go wrong if he indulged these feelings. The Chief was his type, at least physically, and the way the Chief treated him made his cock tingle, but the power dynamic in their little arrangement complicated everything.

It was fine right now, but Jackson had no leverage to protect himself with. HTX05 was not a democracy, no matter what the propaganda said. The Chief was beholden to some faraway higher-ups but he was effectively king in their little settlement. And even if someone were to take umbrage at one policy decision or another, it was impossible to go over the Chief’s head as the only way to communicate with what remained of the government went through the Chief’s office.

There was no telling what would happen to Jackson once the Chief got tired of him. At best, things would go back to the way they were before the Chief took an interest. And God forbid what might happen if the Chief pushed the envelope too far and Jackson had to say no.

The fact that Jackson was currently wearing a skirt and lace panties was already pushing his boundaries a bit. It wasn’t his style. It wasn’t the sort of thing he’d have ever worn for anyone. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was naturally submissive and enjoyed being forced into similar situations, it might even have been too much.

“Clench up tight, baby girl, Daddy’s about to pull out of you.”

Jackson shivered as he felt the heat of the Chief’s breath on the sensitive skin behind his ear. He had to bite back a disappointed groan as he felt the weight of the Chief’s body lift off of him, though he groaned when he felt the Chief’s cock shift inside of him after having been firmly lodged in his guts for a few minutes.

The Chief’s fat hog almost seemed to drag Jackson’s insides along with it as it pulled out of his hole. He clenched tight, his hole clamping down around the crown of the Chief’s glans before it slipped out with a trickle of cum.

Jackson jumped when he felt the Chief catch the trickle of cum as it was seeping out of his hole only to push it back inside him. “Be sure to close that hole down tight, baby. Daddy doesn’t want you wasting any of his precious man butter,” said the Chief.

Yes, Jackson knew it was a bad idea to get involved with the Chief but it wasn’t like he had a choice. He didn’t think the man would have taken rejection well. And besides, what was done was done. He couldn’t very well take back his consent at this point.

The thing was that he didn’t want to take his consent back. Maybe there was some truth to what they used to say: everything was bigger in Texas, even the messes. It didn’t help that he’d let the head between his legs do the thinking when the Chief came to him with his proposal for a mutual “understanding” between them.

The faint creak that the Chief’s office chair produced when the Chief sat on it distracted Jackson from his thoughts. The Chief patted his knee and said, “Come sit on Daddy’s lap, baby.”

Jackson pushed himself up off the desktop. His cock twitched when he saw the Chief reclining in the chair. For being an older man, the Chief was in remarkably good shape, though he imagined that being the leader of the Settlement made sure of that.

Despite Jackson’s misgivings, he’d never known the Chief to be corrupt. As far as he had ever been able to tell, the Chief was a stellar example for the rest of the men who lived in HTX05. It was, he supposed, what gave the Chief the moral license to do what he was doing with Jackson.

Jackson’s gaze raked over toned pecs and shredded abs, his eyes drawn down by the deep cut of a delicious Adonis belt. A treasure trail would have been nice to follow, but the Chief was hairless from the upper lip down, just like all the other Settlement men.

The Chief was sitting with his legs spread. His spent cock was draped over his thigh, looking just as intimidating as ever despite being soft.

Jackson was weak for a big cock. He wasn’t trying to be a size queen but he had his preferences. The more closely a dick resembled a battering ram than a reproductive organ, the hotter he got for it.

The Chief’s big cock was the reason that he’d agreed to the Chief’s proposal so quickly in the first place. After a dry spell of more than two years and nothing but an unsatisfyingly small vibrating dildo, he had been all but gagging for a juicy cock and the Chief had been there to provide.

Despite his reservations, a frisson of arousal made its way through Jackson as he approached the Chief. He stopped right in front of the chair for a moment, giving the Chief a chance to place his hands on his waist.

The Chief’s coarse hands slid down along Jackson’s flanks. They brushed up against the waistband of the short skirt that the Chief had made him wear as they settled on his hips.

Fingers dug into the meat of Jackson’s ass when the Chief said, “Am I gonna have to pull you into my lap, baby?” while grabbing him tightly by the hips.

“No, Daddy, of course not!” said Jackson. Heat rushed to his face, warming his cheeks as his cock twitched from the rough treatment. He straddled the Chief’s knees and sat down, his ass hanging off the edge of the chair.

“That’s more like it, baby,” said the Chief. He slid one hand further down Jackson’s back, tucking it under the hem of the short skirt so that he could rub his fingers up and down along Jackson’s hole.

Jackson leaned against the Chief, arching his spine and moaning as his pucker involuntarily spasmed at the touch. Fuck. His body was so sensitive and it felt like somehow the Chief knew exactly which buttons to push.

He wasn’t sure, exactly, what the Chief expected of him. He didn’t know if he was allowed to take his own initiative or if this was supposed to just be a call-and-response sort of deal. He didn’t feel like he could just ask, either, right in the thick of things.

Jackson decided to bite the bullet. There were other ways he could probably find out, but none of them that would work right now. “Mm. Fuck, that feels so good, Daddy,” he moaned, rolling his hips against the Chief’s fingers. “Are you getting me ready for round 2?”

For a moment, Jackson was afraid that the Chief might object to him jumping in. That moment quickly passed when the Chief clapped his free hand over Jackson’s ass cheek and squeezed.

“I’m glad that you’re eager for more, baby girl,” said the Chief with a laugh. He spent a little bit just groping Jackson’s ass, which in turn made Jackson’s caged cock twitch.

God, Jackson couldn’t help but think to himself. He chewed on his lower lip as he bucked his hips, closing his eyes as a moan spilled from him. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been handled like this. It was nothing short of amazing.

“As tempting as the idea is, baby, both you and I gotta get back to work before too long, is the thing,” said the Chief. He leaned in to press a kiss to the side of Jackson’s jaw. “And as pretty as you might look in that sexy little skirt I got you, Daddy’s gotta be a big, responsible man and make sure this place keeps runnin’.”

Jackson whined. Having just taken cock after so long, he was plenty eager for more. It didn’t help that his caged orgasm gave little relief from the horniness that plagued him. “But Daddy…”

He was letting his cock take the lead again—though he supposed it was more like letting his hole do the thinking, in this case—but he couldn’t help himself. He was thirsty for this pleasure and the Chief was the only one he was likely to get any of it from in the foreseeable future.

The Chief chuckled. “I knew you were the right choice right from the start, baby girl. I love how much you want Daddy’s big ol’ country boy dick.”

Jackson moaned as the Chief squeezed his ass.

“As much as I’d love to indulge your pretty little hole, you’re gonna have to learn how to be patient, princess,” said the Chief with a laugh. “Daddy’s got a Settlement to run, and it ain’t gonna reflect well on me if I let things go to shit just because I was getting my dick wet.”

As fond as the Chief might have been while saying those things, there was a certain possessiveness, a certain firmness in the way that he palmed Jackson’s ass while he said them that suggested he wasn’t just being playful. Jackson, for his part, heard the message loud and clear.

The Chief was reminding Jackson of his place. The man was happy to dote on him, to give him what he wanted and needed, but he shouldn’t forget his place.

Jackson was just another cog in the well-oiled machine. The Chief, well, he was the king taking a well-earned reward for all the hard work of keeping the place running. No matter how many perks and privileges the Chief gave Jackson in private, there was still a limit to what Jackson could ask of him.

Heart racing in his chest, Jackson nuzzled into the side of the Chief’s neck. “I-I’m sorry, Daddy,” he whined, putting in the most pitiful and sincerely apologetic tone of voice that he could master. “It’s just that I want you so badly. Your dick feels so big inside me but it fits me so well. It’s almost like my hole was made for your dick, Daddy!”

In Jackson’s experience, a little flattery at the right time could go a long way with certain types of men. He was glad to confirm that the Chief was one of those people that it could work on.

“Well, I could hardly blame you for that, can I, baby girl?” said the Chief with a lopsided grin. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll make sure to make it up to you the next time. I’ll rail that sweet little pussy twice as hard. I’m gonna pound you so deep your tight little cunt creams itself on me over and over and over again.”

Jackson shivered. The prospect made his dick swell against the confines of its cage. “D-do you promise, Daddy?” he said almost breathlessly, his arousal burning hotter inside him than ever before.

“Oh you got my word, baby girl,” said the Chief with a wide grin. “Now, don’t you go missin’ Daddy too much when I send you off to do your work today, alright?”

“I-I’ll try, Daddy, but it’s going to be so hard,” Jackson whined.

“Don’t you worry, baby, I got a li’l surprise for you. Think of it as a present from Daddy. It’ll help you keep me in mind even when you’re out doing your work.”

Jackson tilted his head. “What is it, Daddy?”

The Chief briefly released his grip on Jackson’s ass as he pulled them toward the desk. He opened one of the drawers and retrieved a sizable pink box. “Here you go, baby. Why don’t you see for yourself?”

Jackson’s gaze flitted between the Chief and the box a few times before he took it in hand. The packaging was a bit of a surprise. He ran his fingers along the top. The last time he saw a box like this was before the world went to shit. Nowadays most things came in simple cardboard boxes. Reused ones too, quite often.

He struggled to imagine what could have been worth the effort of sourcing or even making this box but he decided that making the Chief wait wasn’t going to be worth it. He pulled the lid off and blinked at what was inside: sex toys. Genuine, true-to-goodness sex toys.

Jackson’s cock twitched in the confines of its cage as he reached back to place the lid of the box on the desk behind him. He ran his fingers down the dildo that was in there, reveling at the feeling of the rubber under his touch. He traced one of the thick veins with his finger and realized with a start that it was a replica of the Chief’s dick.

Inside the box were a couple of other things: nipple clamps and weights, a magic wand vibrator, two bottles of lube—one that was clear and slightly tinged pink, and another that was labeled “cum lube” and milky white inside its bottle—and a sizable metal butt plug.

Jackson’s heart rate sped up. All of this stuff was contraband of the highest order according to Settlement regulations. He supposed it shouldn’t have been a surprise that the Chief could get his hands on these things but he had no idea what he was going to do with them.

“How do you like your present, baby girl?” the Chief drawled, a hint of amusement trickling into his voice.

Jackson took a moment, not sure how to respond, but he put on his most wide-eyed enthusiasm and said, “I love it so much, Daddy! But can I really have this? I thought I wasn’t allowed to have toys like this in my room.”

The Chief chuckled. “Don’t you worry about that, baby girl. I made sure to give you a couple of privileges in the system. No one’s gonna harass you for having toys in your room—as long as you keep your pretty little mouth shut, understood?”

Jackson knew a warning when he heard one. “Yes, Daddy, I understand!” He leaned forward to wrap his free arm around the Chief, trapping the box between them. “Thank you so much. I love them!”

The Chief chuckled. He leaned in and rained kisses along the side of Jackson’s neck. His cock was getting hard again and there was an edge of hunger in his voice when he said, “I want you to use them often alright, baby girl? Nothing’s free in this world and in exchange for letting you have these toys in your room, you gotta put on a show for me every now and again, alright?”

Jackson’s caged cock twitched. He could feel the Chief’s erection poking at his thigh. “Of course, Daddy,” he said, face hot at the prospect.

“I’ll be keeping an eye on the camera in your room, alright, baby girl?” said the Chief.

Jackson’s breath caught in his throat. A wave of inexplicable arousal washed over him. It wasn’t like the prospect of living under constant surveillance was novel to him; he and every man in the Settlement were aware of the cameras in their rooms. The thought there could be a person on the other end never crossed his mind.

The idea that the Chief could be watching him at any time sent a shiver down Jackson’s spine. The potential for abuse was so high.

Even though Jackson knew that he was being watched at all times in his room, he’d managed to convince himself to think of his quarters as a safe space for him. The Chief was invading that space. The illusion he’d cultivated over the past couple of years was shattering right before his eyes and yet the only thing that he could think of was how hot it would be.

“T-that’s alright, Daddy,” said Jackson. His cock was straining so hard in his cage that it was almost painful. He didn’t know why he was so fucking turned on. He wasn’t even much of an exhibitionist.

Maybe Jackson had been thinking about this all wrong. He was so concerned about the power imbalance but now that he was thinking about it, it was the power imbalance in and of itself that was turning him on.

It was the fact that Jackson had no choice that made his cock so fucking hard. Sure, the Chief was asking permission, but it wasn’t like he could say no. This was going to happen whether he wanted it to or not. His whole life was going to be in the palm of the Chief’s hand from now on.

“I’ll let you know when I want you to do a little show for me, baby girl, do you understand?” said the Chief as he brushed his thumb over Jackson’s cheek.

Jackson flushed. He reached up, cupping the Chief’s hand to lean into it. He took a tremulous breath, licked his lips, and nodded. “I’ll wait for your messages, Daddy.”

The Chief grinned. “Good, baby. That’s really good. But I don’t want you to think that you can’t play when I don’t ask you to give me a show, do you understand?”

Jackson moaned as the Chief’s free hand palmed his ass. It had been so long, he forgot how good it could feel to be groped. He ground his hips back against the Chief’s grip, his hole twitching and fluttering. “I-I understand, Daddy,” he said.

The Chief pulled his hand out of Jackson’s grip. He placed it on top of the box of sex toys and said, “These are a gift. These are yours. I want you to give in to your impulses, alright, baby girl? If you get even the slightest urge to play with your toys, I want you to use them.”

Jackson moaned, his caged cock throbbing between his legs. Fuck. He was desperate to use them right now. “Y-yes, Daddy!”

“Good girl,” said the Chief. “I don’t want you holding back. Play with these toys whenever the urge takes you. Make as big of a mess as you like. Give that sweet little pussy of yours as much action as it needs.”

F-fuck, Daddy,” Jackson moaned, “You’re making me so horny. A-are you sure that we can’t go another round? My pussy is so hungry for your big dick, Daddy. I need it so bad.”

“What did I tell you, baby girl?” The Chief’s voice was still quite fond but there was a harsher, sterner edge to it this time. He lifted his hand off of Jackson’s ass and brought it down. The smack was audible and crisp, the kind of smack that would leave a bright red stinging handprint.

The Chief shook his head and chuckled. “We gotta get back to work. We don’t have time for round 2, baby girl. Daddy’s not one of those losers that pump and dump in under five minutes. If Daddy’s gonna use your sweet little pussy, he’s gonna make sure to use it long and hard.

Jackson whined. “I-I understand, Daddy…” He wanted to keep begging but he was sure he’d get a much harsher smack if he pushed any further.

“That’s a good girl,” said the Chief. “Now, why don’t we use one of your new toys so that you’re reminded of who owns your tight little pussy even while you’re working hard today?”

Jackson nodded. “A-alright, Daddy,” he said.

“Go bend over the desk, baby.”

Jackson slid off of the Chief’s lap and did as he was told. He turned around and set the box of toys down. Then, he bent over the desk, bracing his elbows against the desktop. He arched his spine and spread his legs, pushing his ass into the air.

“I-I’m ready, Daddy,” Jackson said. He could guess which one of the toys the Chief was going to use and honestly, he was looking forward to it. He wasn’t sure how he was going to survive the day’s work with a plug firmly seated inside of him, but the more masochistic part of him was looking forward to it.

The Chief rubbed his thumb over Jackson’s hole a few times before hooking his fingers under the narrow panel of lace that covered Jackson’s crack to pull it aside. He reached into the box and retrieved the metal buttplug. The base was bejeweled, set with a pink crystal of some description in the shape of a heart.

“That’s a good girl,” said the Chief as he cracked open one of the bottles of lube. He used the normal one, drizzling the clear, slightly pink liquid all over the metal plug.

Jackson sucked down a sharp breath when he felt the cold metal press up against his hole. Since he’d just been freshly fucked, it didn’t take much to get him to open up again. The tapered tip slid inside pretty much immediately, and with just a little push from the Chief, he stretched around even the widest part of the plug’s bulb with ease.

As soon as the thickest bit of the plug had slipped past Jackson’s rim, the rest of it was almost sucked inside. The sensation of the plug suddenly seating itself inside him brought a low groan to Jackson’s lips.

The Chief moved Jackson’s panties back into place, rubbing at the stone on the base of the plug through the lace. Jackson couldn’t help but moan as the plug shifted around inside him. It wasn’t the Chief’s cock but the plug was fat enough that it helped with the emptiness that he felt.

“Now, baby girl, listen to Daddy really well, alright? This plug is gonna be a part of your new uniform,” said the Chief. “Whether it’s keepin’ Daddy’s nut in that sweet little pussy or just keeping that hungry cunt of yours occupied, this plug stays in unless it absolutely needs to come out, you understand?”

If the cage clamped tight around Jackson’s cock weren’t made of metal, he was sure it would have exploded into bits already. He wasn’t sure it would hold up against how hard his cramped erection was straining against the bars, as it was.

“U-understood, Daddy,” said Jackson. Maybe he shouldn’t have found it so hot to be carrying around a sign and reminder that what little control he’d had over his own life had just been stripped away from him but fuck did it get him going.

The plug felt like a dirty little secret. He could be getting along, doing his work just like every other guy, but no one else would be plugged up like him. No one else would be keeping their pussy ready for their Settlement Chief Daddy to use whenever they wanted.

“Good girl,” said the Chief. “And those panties, too. You’ll be wearing them under your shorts unless I say otherwise, understood?”

Jackson nodded, his asshole twitching and clenching around the neck of the plug buried inside him. Plugged, locked, and in panties. He felt like a proper sub again, except in this case, he had absolutely no power.

He was at the mercy of the Chief’s whims. He didn’t have a safe word and he couldn’t ask for one. He couldn’t negotiate his limits, either. The only choice he had was to comply, because the alternative, well… The alternative didn’t even bear thinking about.

“Understood, Daddy,” said Jackson.

He wasn’t keen about this strange new world that had been his reality for the past few years but he was determined to survive it. If clinging to the Chief was the way he did that, then he would do whatever it took.

“That’s a good girl,” said the Chief. He smacked Jackson’s ass hard. “Now, pick up the clothes I gave you, put them away nicely, and get your uniform back on. Go to your room to stow away my gifts so that you don’t have to carry them around with you. When you’re done, go see the Detail Officer and have him tell you where to go.”

Jackson licked his lips. “Yes, Daddy!”

“Good girl. Work hard today, alright? I’ve got you assigned somewhere special.”

Jackson trudged back inside, dragging his feet past the threshold just as the heavy gate sealed shut behind the rest of the team. When the Chief said he’d been assigned somewhere special, he hadn’t expected that the Chief was being literal.

He rolled his shoulders. His arms and legs were heavy from the full day of hard work that he’d just about managed to finish. The Chief had put him on the “Special” cleaning detail that was in charge of cleaning up the carnage from yesterday’s attack on the walls.

Jackson hadn’t believed it when the Detail Officer told him where he was assigned for the day. Surely, he’d thought to himself, the Chief wouldn’t punish him like this. It wasn’t until he stopped to think about it that he realized what the Chief’s play was.

No one wanted to go on the special cleaning detail. It was hard, grueling work and there was a non-zero risk of being exposed—or worse, infected. The fact the Chief had put Jackson on the special cleaning detail was a smokescreen to throw off anyone who might think Jackson was being given preferential treatment.

There was another angle, though. At least, Jackson hoped that he was right. Special cleaning detail duty was unpopular, but anyone who did well or went above and beyond could earn significant merits in the Settlement.

Jackson was being given an opportunity to create a justification for why he was spending so much time with the Chief. It was a way to legitimize what they were doing, at least in the eyes of the public.

He scratched at the thick, unbreathable hazmat suit that he and the rest of the guys on special cleanup duty had been forced to wear. He was glad for the protection, but after standing in the stark Texan sun all day, he felt like a roast chicken that had just been taken out of the oven to rest.

Jackson stopped in the disinfection chamber after the previous group of workers went through. He held his arms out, as per instructions, and waited for the shower of water and broad-spectrum anti-pathogen solution.

Once that was done, he stepped off the drain in the middle of the floor and made for the exit. He tripped on his own feet, somehow, and spilled forward. He would have managed to catch himself if the sleeve of his hazmat suit hadn’t snagged on one of the sharper elements on the door.

All eyes turned to Jackson when his suit gave way with an unholy noise. His heart nearly stopped when he saw the ragged gash that had opened up on the suit.

The disinfection chamber guard looked at Jackson wide-eyed. “Uh… Sir? What should we do?” he called out to his supervisor.

The supervisor sighed and pinched his nose. “He finished the complete cycle, right?”

The guard nodded. “Yes, Sir!”

“Then it should be fine. The chamber’s overkill anyway. Even if there was any live virus left on the suit, it would have been destroyed after the full cycle. I don’t want to have to do any more paperwork.”

Jackson didn’t even realize that he’d stopped breathing until he sucked down a lungful of fresh air in relief that he wasn’t being detained. He kept his head down and went over to the side to start taking off the suit.

As he was peeling off the top, he realized that there was a shiny wet spot on his arm right where the gash on the suit was. He thought nothing of it. As the supervisor had said, he’d gone through a full cycle. It was probably just more of the solution that dripped through the tear while he was struggling to get himself free of the door.

There was something weird and familiar about the way that the wet spot looked on his skin, though, but he didn’t care to think too much about it. He wiped the patch away and then wiped his hand off on his shorts.

Purely out of instinct, he sniffed his fingers when he was done. They smelled of disinfectant solution for the most part, but there was a weird, musky undertone that was familiar but that he couldn’t quite place.

Jackson put it out of his head. There were other things that he needed to worry about right now rather than weirdly familiar smells. He took the rest of the suit off and came up to one of the inventory managers. “Uh, Sir? What should we do with the ruined suit?”

The supervisor shrugged. “Just mark it down as damaged in transportation,” he said. “It’s close enough to what happened.”

Freedom from the hazmat suit he’d been baking in all day didn’t mean freedom from the discomfort, Jackson couldn’t help but notice as he walked out of the guardhouse. The front of his shorts, especially between his legs, were a sticky, wet mess and not all of it was sweat.

God, Jackson couldn’t help but think to himself. As much as he’d hated working out in the sun locked in a hazmat suit that was about as breathable as a coffin buried six feet under, he would do it again in a heartbeat.

It was honestly something of a wonder that he managed not to cream himself in the middle of the shift. He got frightfully close a couple of times from all the bending, scrubbing, and heavy lifting. The way the plug had jostled around inside him over the course of the day, it was nothing short of a miracle that he managed not to moan out loud the entire time.

If anything, being released from the discomfort of the hazmat suit only meant that Jackson would have to confront the horniness he’d been pushing to the edges of his mind the whole day. It never went away. It only got worse. And now that the day was done and he actually had free time, the horniness came back with a vengeance.

Jackson had to lean against a nearby building just to catch his breath. That, and his thighs had started wobbling so badly that he couldn’t hold himself upright.

What Jackson needed was a cold shower. Not that he thought it would solve his problem, but it would at least help him cool off a bit. He was way too worked up right now, and being around so many hot men made it so much harder to maintain his composure.

Jackson’s asshole fluttered around the narrow neck of his plug. It shifted inside him, thrusting in and out as his hole clenched and unclenched. It took all his willpower not to moan and let on that the plug was inside him.

Once he’d managed to regain a modicum of composure, he made his way over to the residence where he lived. He gave perfunctory greetings to the men he crossed paths with, but he made it pretty clear that he was in no mood for small talk.

As soon as the coast was clear, Jackson made a beeline for his room. He closed his door and collapsed against it, breathing heavily. He reached down between his legs and rubbed his caged cock through his shorts, moaning under his breath as the stimulation drove his arousal further off the charts.

He locked the door and engaged the deadbolt. He stripped his clothes off and ripped the door to the en-suite open. He staggered into the shower enclosure and turned the knob all the way to the right.

A ragged gasp escaped Jackson when the ice-cold water first hit his skin. He jerked away on reflex but he forced himself into the stream. As cold as the water was, it did little to quench the fire that was burning inside him.

The temperature helped calm the physiological response, which Jackson supposed was good enough. His straining cock went down, even if his arousal was just as hot as ever, but it didn’t take long before his teeth were chattering from the cold.

Jackson endured for a minute or two longer before he couldn’t take it anymore. He shut the water off and grabbed his towel, drying off before stepping out of the enclosure.

The cold shower solution was inelegant and unlikely to last very long but Jackson didn’t need it to. He just needed a bit of time. Enough to get through dinner.

He didn’t know how long he was going to be able to manage after dinner, but that was a bridge he was going to cross when he got there. And besides, he had a date with the Chief lined up—or at least a date with the Chief’s replica cock.

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