An arrogant, homophobic jock suffers under a curse imposed on him by a warlock he offended one too many times. As much as he fights it, he succumbs every time.

An arrogant, homophobic jock suffers under a curse imposed on him by a warlock he offended one too many times. As much as he fights it, he succumbs every time.
I was walking in a forest by my home, and I found this stone. It had an engraving on it that I couldn’t read. The only recognizable word was F_Y. As I rubbed the intricate markings, it glowed like fire. It stopped and I felt weird. That was a week ago, I’ve been changing since. I’m now suave and confident, my body’s changed, and I’m popular. Only issue is something keeps repeating in my head. Just all day “Yellow Fairy. Orange Fairy.” I heard you knew some stuff and wanted to ask for your help.
Do the Pink and Purple Fairies ever collaborate with any other entities?
Isaac’s boyfriend of 4 years, Kevin, has walked out on their relationship, claiming that he has been “cured” and that he doesn’t want to be with the “faggot” anymore. He is miserable and bereft and desperate so he turns to ancient powers, willing to give up anything and everything to have Kevin back. The only problem is that this is easier said than done.
But the powers that be won’t let this insult stand. There is a balance to the cosmos, one that they have enforced in the absence of others who would do so, and an iniquity of this magnitude could not be allowed to remain unanswered.
Thought just occurred me. What ever happened to the Green Fairy? Not that he didn’t deserve what happened, but has anyone checked in on him lately?
Clay Tanner should have really considered doing more thinking in his free time. Just in general. It would have helped. But, more specifically, he should have thought twice before harassing some poor guy in the university library.
I found this really neat spell in my aunt’s basement that should help transform me into a jock somehow. It also comes with a mental change, as well… I was wondering if I should use this spell on my Asian body… I’m worried about the outcome.
Hi, I was wondering if I could have some help from the Pink Fairy. Recently my hole has been feeling too tight making sex a bit painful, any way you could help loosen me up a bit?
I’ve always had this dream of ticking some big burly biker off. Only to have him follow me back to my house, overpower me, and take me to his MC clubhouse to be made into their biker bitch.
Having them take me out of my life and force me into service for any man they need me to. Just a person in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Hey! So… I need some help. I am what people call a shut-in. I barely see the outside and my body is the shape of a pear. This leads me to be pretty smart, but with little to no confidence.
To try and get some confidence, I decided to leave my house and spend a week in the woods. However, I will probably never go back because a huge wolf came up and bit my leg.
I have seen your work. Is there anything you can do?