Super Sucker pt. 27

Corey finds a novel use for his special new toys. Meanwhile, Bernard gives Marcus the practical demonstration of his powers that Marcus asked for, and all the fun that comes with that.

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Super Sucker pt. 26

It’s the calm before the storm and Corey has some quality alone time. When Marcus meets with Bernard, he finds himself in a uniquely vulnerable position but he is, as ever, fully in control.

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Super Sucker pt. 22

Marcus cements his control over Bernard before returning home to see how Corey and his new pet pup, Auggie, have been getting along in his absence.

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Super Sucker pt. 20

Marcus leaves Corey at Auggie’s mercy while he pays a visit to an important acquaintance at one of the Hall of Heroes’ most secure detention facilities.

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Super Sucker pt. 8

The party at Marcus’ mansion is well underway. Castor and Corey are among the servants that are milling about, ensuring that the guests get their food and their refreshments.

But Imperious hardly ever does anything without a good reason, and Corey has been given a mission to fulfill. Eager to prove just how much of a good jockboy he is for Master, Corey will stop at nothing to accomplish his mission, even if it means betraying one of the most important people in his line of work.

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