Captive Audience pt. 2

Opinions in Seaside City are sharply polarized when Justicar issues a challenge against Imperious and the Azure Synod. Thankfully, the anticipated showdown fails to materialize.

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Sylvan Sensibilities pt. 2

The mission goes awry; the human-orc alliance has heavily underestimated the strength of the enemy and Aberforth does not discover the truth until it’s too late. Though he exerts himself to his utmost, Llwrydd, the enemy general, is able to easily overpower him.

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Sylvan Sensibilities pt. 1

Aberforth Strongjaw is a martial genius and the champion of his clan. When their alliance with the humans draws the Redwolves into war with the elves of the Forest of Ymrion, he marches to the front lines with the men and volunteers for a perilous mission to strike at the very heart of the enemy forces.

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Corrupted Co-Dependence pt. 9

Edric punishes Vayne for his inadvertent lie and sends him on a humiliating and perilous trip back to his chambers. After breakfast, Vayne pays a visit to an old friend who’s having a problem.

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Corrupted Co-Dependence pt. 8

Vayne wraps up the lesson with the kitchen staff and ends up on his hands and knees for Awain. On his way back to his chambers, he has a run-in with Edric that takes a rather unexpected turn.

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