Corrupted Co-Dependence pt. 1

Vayne, once-paladin of the Radiant Order, has been captured by the forces of Hell following his brave last stand to buy time for his friends and compatriots to retreat. He discovers that Hell isn’t as bad as he thought and is just getting accustomed to life as an incubus’ fuck-pet when he is rescued from his ‘torment.’

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Across the Aisle

Randall is straight, or at the very least, he’s pretty sure he is. He hasn’t really had occasion to question his sexuality but it’s at his girlfriend’s cousin’s wedding where he catches the eye of a handsome guest on the other side of the aisle. The man’s gaze makes his heart beat faster in a way that his girlfriend hasn’t been able to in months.

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Princess-Cut Diamond Thief pt.1

Eli, master thief of twenty years, pulls off the heist of the century by stealing from a dragon’s hoard. Little does he know just how much this feat will change his life forever.

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Sex Education

James’ hadn’t planned on attending a sex and kink (SK) college after high school. With the injury dashing his hopes of a sports scholarship and not wanting to join the military, it seemed like the best option forward considering his physical prowess.

Nowadays, there were plenty of well-respected opportunities for SK college graduates in a wide variety of fields. Many led to lifetime placements.

Truthfully, James had gotten overwhelmed by the multitudinous specializations for his degree and he was looking forward to his first meeting with his guidance counselor to get advice on how to proceed.

Beta Patron Request by @trekoid-pr0n
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The Tyler Takedown pt. 2

Something strange is happening to Tyler in the aftermath of his encounter with Dr. Nielsen. For some reason, he just can’t get the handsome professor out of his very-straight, not-gay-at-all mind.

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The Tyler Takedown pt. 1

Tyler Kingston is a hotshot jock at the University of Minnesota. With a killer smile, great body, and the king-of-the-world Alpha attitude to match, he thinks he’s got what it takes to rule the school. Especially when daddy dearest has enough money to make the administrators drool. Unfortunately for him, things are changing around campus, and the handsome Chemistry professor from Hierarch Industries isn’t going to tolerate his shit.

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Rock Hard pt. 2

Sir Gwyn has served as a loyal knight all his life. He swore that he would fight for his country until his last breath, in the name of his beloved, King Rafe, the Golden Wolf of Altenritter. Now, however, his Rafe is dead, and upon the throne sits Rafe’s arrogant son who wages ware on neighboring Collrine as soon as he has the chance.

A catastrophic defeat at the gates of the capital sends Sir Gwyn, exhausted, hungry, and badly wounded, to the edges of the Fellmire wood where a kind stranger happens upon him and helps nurse him back to health. Being the honorable man that he is, he insists that he owes a life debt and that he must pay more than a pittance for it.

Little does Sir Gwyn know that this debt will change his life forever.

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