As Advertised

My roommate has been talking a lot about this new drink and how it makes him stronger and more manly. At first, I thought he was full of it, but it’s getting hard to deny the results. He’s all buff and aggressive now, and I think he’s getting taller?

There’s been some weird stuff going on, though. He says his grades are going down the toilet. He keeps looking at me in this weird way… and… oh God, that smell… I think it’s doing something to me…

I feel smaller… And my head’s going fuzzy…

Alpha Patron Request by @willowonthelake
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Sweat And Tears

My roommate is a pretty stereotypical jock. He is hairy, always sweaty, always reeks, buff as hell, and dumb as shit.

He keeps trying to get me to work out with him, which is understandable, but the weird part is he always tries to get me to wear his sweaty old clothes.

He gave me some old smelly boxers and a tank top stained with sweat from when he started lifting. He said his coach “made him wear it.” Do you think something will happen if I wear his reeking old clothes?

Story Request by @lovemanpits
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