Super Sucker pt. 27

Corey finds a novel use for his special new toys. Meanwhile, Bernard gives Marcus the practical demonstration of his powers that Marcus asked for, and all the fun that comes with that.

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Halcyon Sunset pt. 1

Team Halcyon is a would-be team of junior heroes in Storm City but the Hall of Heroes isn’t giving them the backing they need to succeed. Strapped for cash, one of their members looks to get a leg up on the competition by any means necessary—little does he know what awaits him on the other end.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

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Super Sucker pt. 20

Marcus leaves Corey at Auggie’s mercy while he pays a visit to an important acquaintance at one of the Hall of Heroes’ most secure detention facilities.

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