Gender Studies

Dr. Taron Burns is a sociologist by trade and has to teach a second year liberal arts course in order to satisfy the terms of his tenure appointment. He has a reputation as being a relatively easygoing teacher, a lenient marker, and all-around nice guy. This year, he’s talking about gender roles and how they help and hinder progress in broader human society. Only, something strange is happening: his class is shrinking and it seems to be the girls, without exception, who are dropping out of his class, along with some of the more timid boys. He doesn’t know what to make jockboys that stay in his class, but he certainly finds the way that they look at him distracting. 

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Demonic Dominion

The good reverend Mikael Cain is not at all as “good” as his title implies. The head of a mega-church and the associated media empire, he revels in the abuse of the power he holds over his vulnerable flock.

Despite being middle-aged, Mikael maintains a healthy body subsidized by the offerings of his congregation. Despite posturing himself as a spiritual guide for his community, young men who are confused by their sexuality, looking for advice, are never safe around them as he’s more than willing to use their insecurities against them.

Unfortunately for Mikael, the newest target for his twisted schemes might prove to be more than he can handle.

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Dickless Down Under

God, there’s this awful new guy at my work, some flamer they brought on for diversity or some shit. He’s always smacking on this bubblegum, and smells like cotton candy, wearing pink like some fairy. Last week he got all offended that I rolled my eyes and sighed when he walked past my office a bunch and said I’d be sorry. I guess it can’t be too bad. What’s he gonna do, steal my dick or some shit?

Beta Patron Request by @fen
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