The Cockpocalypse pt. 4

The Chief gives Jackson something to remember him by—a set of gifts that will keep him company through the long days ahead—and Jackson realizes that the Chief’s favor comes with a price tag.

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Corrupted Co-Dependence pt. 16

With Brother Cathas now in Vayne’s pocket, the magical wards that protect the Fort from the influence of the hellborn are compromised. Upon his return, he runs into Edric, who is much changed since the last they saw each other, in many ways that are more than a little appealing for Vayne.

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Super Sucker pt. 23

The plan continues apace as the legislative assembly gears up to debate what is likely to be the most consequential piece of legislation in the Commonwealth in decades. Corey takes some time to hone his powers as Godspark, Castor and Pollux go on a date and have some risky fun, and a new threat rears its head.

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Captive Audience pt. 2

Opinions in Seaside City are sharply polarized when Justicar issues a challenge against Imperious and the Azure Synod. Thankfully, the anticipated showdown fails to materialize.

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Artificial Insemination pt. 1

The CSS Methuselah is one of the first colonization ships to be commissioned by the Terra Confederation. Aimed at the nearest habitable planet to the Solar System in order to start the first extrasolar colony, the Methuselah is to be guided through its long journey by one of the most sophisticated artificial intelligences produced by humanity: Enoch. When Captain Frederick Anderson awakens aboard the Methuselah a hundred years after the mission was due to land, he scarcely has time to play with his rock-hard erection before he realizes that something has gone terribly, horribly wrong. 

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