Fabricated Identities I pt. 8

Tag is reduced further, the former arrogant jock compressed into the body of the meek, submissive twink Mykee, who subsequently gets the brains fucked out of him as two hot daddies core his holes out.

Tag had always been a bit more of a pump-and-dump kind of guy. Patience had never been his strong suit. His foreplay had been pretty basic. Utilitarian. Just enough to get his girl excited enough and wet enough to take his fat cock—if his good looks and hot body weren’t enough to do that, to begin with.

That wasn’t to say he didn’t love touching women’s bodies. He had enjoyed running his hands all over their soft, curvaceous bodies well enough. And like any red-blooded young man, he’d been obsessed with tits. He’d loved squeezing them, rubbing them, mouthing at and licking them. But he was usually already hilt-deep in a girl by the time he did those things.

In short, all the sensations Tag felt while Rami and Andrea were playing with his body were entirely alien to him. He’d had handsy girls before, but he was usually too distracted by their inner heat to notice their fingers gliding across his skin.

In Rami’s lap, trapped between two gorgeous—he was straight but he wasn’t blind—specimens of masculinity, there was nowhere for him to go. He was acutely aware of Rami’s fingers playing with his nipples and the slow circles Andrea was tracing just above the waistband of his now too-loose pants.

Even the concept of what was happening to him was a novel one to Tag. The fact he was being touched and teased without anyone having sex was so far beyond his experiences it was a bit of a mind-fuck.

Why he didn’t bolt out of Rami’s lap was a mystery. Maybe it was resignation. He’d felt how strong Rami was, how the man could lift him without so much as breaking a sweat. Even he wasn’t sure. Or perhaps he was just in denial about the truth: a small part of him didn’t want to.

A chill, like a trickle of ice-cold water, shivered down Tag’s spine. Rami’s right hand was moving. It released his right nipple, fingertips tracing up along the middle of Tag’s chest where there should have been a ridge between firm pectorals. Only a ghost remained. The slightest hint of a divot between the two halves of his chest.

Tag’s breath caught in his throat. Rami’s fingertips danced along his collarbone. He didn’t even know the skin there could be so sensitive.

He jumped when he felt the heat of Rami’s exhalation over his shoulder. It ghosted over his skin, making him break out in goosebumps. He barely noticed Rami’s right hand pulling out from under his arm to move up the side of his neck.

Despite himself, a low moan spilled from Tag’s lips as Rami’s thumb brushed over his chin. He didn’t know why he was just letting this happen but he just couldn’t must the strength to resist.

Rami yanked lightly on Tag’s nipple, eliciting a gasp. He made swift use of the opportunity and slipped two fingers past Tag’s lips.

Tag spat them out, or at least he would have had his tongue not immediately sought out the two digits. He reacted without thinking, pure instinct driving him to lap at the fingertips intruding into his mouth. And before he could stop himself, a low whine had already issued from his lips.

Rami leaned in. Tag could feel the heat of his breath ghosting over the back of his ear and the side of his neck, making him shiver. Whether it was apprehension or anticipation, he wasn’t sure anymore. “Good boy… Now, suck.”

Tag didn’t know what possessed him to do it, but it was as if he couldn’t resist. He wrapped his lips around Rami’s two fingers.

Somehow, he didn’t feel as repulsed as he thought he should have been. It should have been disgusting. It was the gayest thing he’d ever done. He was straight. He was straight. He wasn’t supposed to like this.

And yet, he obliged Rami anyway. His tongue curled around the two fingers, gently lapping at their length. His cheeks dimpled slightly as he sucked on Rami’s index and middle fingers. The taste…didn’t…disagree with him, which he chose as his official position on the matter even though a small voice in the back of his mind would have preferred if he described it as incredible instead.

“Shit, man. He’s got a fucking talented tongue, this one,” said Rami, practically growling the words in Tag’s ear even though they weren’t meant for him.

Andre laughed. “I can imagine. He looks the type,” he said.

Tag flushed. He didn’t even know what type Andrea was talking about but the part of him that refused to let go of who he used to be was sure that he didn’t want to be that type. And yet, however much he insisted to himself that he was still a man’s man, the argument was becoming less and less convincing.

For one thing, he didn’t look or feel like a manly guy anymore. He felt weak. Soft. Effeminate. It was disgusting. And yet a peculiar sort of pleasure curled inside of him at the acknowledgment.

Tag certainly wasn’t doing anything manly. His conception of a real man would have never let another guy stick two fingers in his mouth, much less make love to them like he was doing.

So maybe the truth was that he was straight. In the sense that he had been straight. The magic had changed so much about him already, he had no reason to believe it wouldn’t touch that part of him. It had obviously turned his friends into a bunch of weak, pansy-ass fa—

Tag couldn’t even finish the thought. Discomfort rumbled in his belly at the idea of even acknowledging the F-slur. Not because he had any moral objections to the word, but because it felt wrong to use it to refer to Andrea and Rami.

Bruno was a faggot, though. The muscled-up whore was still dry-humping his pole on the stage in the middle of the room. He might have been bigger than Andrea and Rami but it was pretty obvious that he was a cock-sucking, cum-guzzling whore.

And as Tag was coming to realize while he sucked and slurped on Rami’s fingers, he was turning into a faggot too.

He moaned around Rami’s fingers. A wave of pleasure shook through his body at the acknowledgment. The part of him that was still fighting the changes was utterly repulsed. But for all the stubbornness that was left in him, he was powerless to resist anyway.

Rami must have cottoned on to Tag’s breakthrough because he laughed. It was a deep, bassy rumble that shook through his chest and from there, through Tag. “Didn’t we tell you it would be so much better to just surrender to the truth?” he said.

Tag shifted in Rami’s lap, heat pooling in his belly. Arousal slowly coiled through him and his cock reacted the same way it always had whenever he was horny.

As diminished as he had become, that was one part that had yet to be touched. His cock snaked down the loose leg of his boxer briefs, swelling to full hardness in just a few breaths.

Tag’s pants were too large on his now-slender frame to make much of a bulge for his cock but his erection tented the fabric regardless. It was probably the only part of him that could be construed as manly in his view, but even that was questionable as the only reason he was hard was that he’d admitted that he was turning into a faggot.

He hadn’t realized how little of Rami’s fingers he’d been allowed until now. He’d thought the length resting on his tongue was it. In truth, it was barely half.

It didn’t take long for Tag to become acutely aware of just how much more there was to take in. He couldn’t help but squirm as Rami finger-fucked his mouth. Rami was slow and gentle at first but quickly became aggressive. Possessive.

Tag squirmed as Rami’s fingers thrust in and out of his mouth. He was helpless. He couldn’t move his tongue as well as he could before, with all the back and forth. His throat couldn’t help but tighten up as he felt those fingers creeping gradually further and further into his mouth with every insertion.

The more he moved about on Rami’s lap, the more he became aware of another problem. How he hadn’t noticed the whole time was a mystery—one he wasn’t particularly keen to solve. Either way, now that he’d noticed, it was impossible to ignore.

Something hard was pressing up against Tag’s ass. He wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed but it didn’t take a genius to figure it out.

The most shocking thing was the size. Tag didn’t know if it was just him being unaccustomed to his new body or something but he felt as if there were a baseball bat pressing up against his ass and thigh.

“H-horry shiff—Glrk!—if that your coffk?!” he blurted out before he could even think of what he was doing.

Rami laughed. “Yes, it is, princess. And you have no idea just how happy he is to see you finally giving in to your true nature.”

Tag tried to fight back a moan and lost. He wasn’t sure if he was just imagining it but he could have sworn he felt the heat of Rami’s erection through four layers of clothing—three if Rami wasn’t wearing underwear. He was sure he could also feel the pulse thrumming through it.

Whether he was imagining it or not, the effect was no less intense. His own cock surged to full hardness. He felt as if there were a steel rod sticking out from between his legs. He’d never been so hard or so horny in his life.

The weird thing was, Tag felt no urge to touch himself. It was usually so difficult to ignore. Unless he was in public or in polite company, he’d usually just stick a hand down the front of his pants and play with his erection that way or just whip it out and jerk off then and there.

This time, his attention was elsewhere. The heat that had been pooling in his belly shifted. It moved down. His face flushed as he moaned around the fingers pushing in and out of his lips.

All of a sudden, Tag could feel his asshole pulsing and twitching. He’d never been so aware of that place between his legs, but his whole lower body felt hot.

His back arched as his hips bucked involuntarily against Rami. His pucker quivered, making him mewl like a proper bitch.

The sound surprised Tag. He didn’t think he’d ever heard himself so eager. So desperately needy. But he couldn’t help himself. The heat was concentrated in his ass. His hole felt like it was on fire. And gradually, an itch developed inside him. It got worse and worse as his movements rubbed his ass against Rami’s cock.

Tag sucked harder on Rami’s fingers even though he hadn’t been directed to. Somehow, it seemed like the right thing to do. It didn’t relieve him of the hunger he felt gnawing at his insides, but it helped a little.

“See?” said Rami. He moved his other hand from Tag’s chest down to Tag’s hips.

Tag couldn’t help but moan. A shiver shook through his body as he felt Rami’s fingers curl around his hips. He didn’t know why but it felt so good—and even better as that grip tightened possessively.

“You were born for this, princess,” said Rami. “You were born to take cock and serve men.”

Tag was burning up. The heat was spreading. It coursed through his veins, making his blood boil, making every breath hot in his lungs.

The heat climbed up his neck, making his cheeks flush. The tips of his ears felt like they were about to burst into flames. It reached his eyes and flooded his thoughts, making it difficult to think of anything else.

A long, low moan escaped Tag as he felt his brain melting in the heat. His dreams and ambitions, all thoughts and plans he had for his future, they were the first to go. Specialized knowledge from study and school followed soon after.

The lighter his head felt, the better the fingers in his mouth tasted, somehow. As intelligence and drive dripped out of him, he slowly started to move his mouth, bobbing his head up and down to meet the rhythm of Rami’s thrusting fingers.

He was so deep in the haze of pleasure and arousal, so trapped in the heat that he missed the moment of his own demise. He hardly even noticed when the memories of his life melted away.

One moment, he was Tag, the manly star quarterback of his high school football team. And without even realizing it, his whole life had been replaced. He’d become Mykee, a desperate twink that knew very little besides being a cock-hungry slut.

He’d grown up in a conservative corner of the country but had been too stupid to realize he was getting bullied. He barely scraped by in public school, getting held back a couple of grades, and only managed to score a high school degree because he had a talented mouth—and an ass that would put any cheerleader to shame.

“That’s more like it,” said Andrea with a laugh as he reached over to cup the side of Mykee’s face with his hand. “Gotta love watching the brains just drain right the fuck out of those pretty faces.”

Rami nipped at the lobe of Mykee’s ear, eliciting a high-pitched whine. “I bet. I can feel the little slut getting needier as his head empties out.”

Mykee was only half-following the conversation. He usually didn’t understand what the men around him were talking about, anyway. He just desperately wanted to make them feel good.

Fuck,” said Andrea. He tilted Mykee’s head to the side to get a better look at the action he was giving Rami’s fingers. “I could use that mouth just about now,” he said.

Rami laughed. “I get that, man,” he said. “You don’t know how much I want to just bend this bitch over and have at her, but we can’t get ahead of ourselves.”

“Mmph!” Mykee grunted past the fingers sawing in and out of his mouth. He had understood that part. And the idea of it made him so hot. “I want that. Please!” he said, though the words might have been a bit garbled by his desperate attempts to throat Rami’s fingers.

Andrea laughed. “You’re right. So let’s just get this over with so we can stop holding back.”

“Let’s,” said Rami. He pulled his fingers out of Mykee’s mouth.

“Cock!” It was the first word that came out of Mykee as soon as he was able to speak freely. It was also the first thing that he wanted to replace the fingers, now that they’d been taken away from him. “Please give me your cock!”

“Oh, you’ll get it soon enough, princess,” said Rami with a laugh. “But first, I need you to answer one question for me: you were made for this, weren’t you?”

The need Mykee felt inside him had turned into an overwhelming craving. A tiny voice in the back of his head warned him that it was a trap, that he shouldn’t agree, but the only thing he could truly think of was cock and how badly he had to get it inside him.

So he nodded as he arched his back and rocked his hips against Rami’s pelvis. “I-I was made for this!” he said, the words spilling out with rabid desperation. “P-please give me your cock!”

“Good toy,” said Rami. There was a wicked edge to his voice as he said the words.

Mykee shivered. Instead of feeling any hint of apprehension for what Rami’s tone suggested, all he felt was excitement. His cock throbbed and a low, throaty moan escaped him as Rami’s grip on his hips tightened further.

He opened his mouth without resistance when Rami’s fingers pressed against his lips. He welcomed the intrusion, moaning around the two thick fingers that slipped into his mouth.

Memories intruded into Mykee’s head, crowding out what dregs remained of his old self. He remembered flunking out in the first month of college—not that he’d had much hope of graduating, to begin with.

He’d done well enough in his other courses. Just one had been the problem: the first-year math course that had a hot Ph.D. candidate teaching it. The guy was a consummate professional who, despite being obviously attracted to Mykee, wouldn’t agree to doing anything with him while Mykee was his student.

Mykee had dropped out then and there, and he still fondly remembered the taste of the guy’s ten-incher. While he had technically become homeless afterward, he never spent a night on the streets.

He’d made things work using his body. He’d have been chasing cock anyway. Getting money, food in his belly, and a roof over his head had just been the icing on the cake to him.

“Shit. It’s starting,” said Rami with a laugh, briefly distracting Mykee from the flood of memories cramming themselves into his mind.

Andrea grinned. “About damn time.”

Mykee’s lips and teeth tingled. It was barely noticeable at first but didn’t take long to intensify. This time, Rami wasn’t fucking his mouth but massaging his lips and teeth in slow circles. With every pass, he could feel his teeth blunting and shrinking, retreating into his jaw.

He remembered walking back to his apartment one night, after getting a few loads pounded into him. He’d been thinking of how good it felt to be a slut—of how he wished he could take cock forever—when he was approached by a shady guy that offered him the chance to make his deepest fantasies come true.

Mykee shivered. Pain, as if a thousand sharp needles had pricked his skin at once, shot through him, eliciting a groan. When it passed and faded to a dull ache, he didn’t even need to look down to know there was a tribal tattoo of an intricate heart design peeking out over the waistband of his pants.

The tattoo had a counterpart on the other side. It was a tramp stamp that said “Just a hole” with an arrow pointing down. He’d also gotten his ass cheek branded with a tally mark. He remembered getting all the tattoos and how he’d paid for them by putting his holes to good use.

The texture of Mykee’s skin changed. The golden tan he’d worked hard to get faded, replaced by a tinge of healthy pink. Any scars and blemishes that were left on him were wiped away, smoothed out as his skin became soft and supple to the touch.

He shivered as a fresh wave of pleasure washed over him. His body tingled intensely all over. His skin took on a glossy sheen. It was as if he’d been rubbed down with oil. But it didn’t stop there.

With every moment that passed, the shine of Mykee’s skin got worse. It took on the character of plastic, then of silicone. Before he knew it, he’d been turned into a life-sized silicone sex toy and instead of being alarmed, it just made him hornier.

The tingling in his mouth intensified. Rami’s fingers had smoothed his teeth out of existence. The barest hint of gums remained, leaving just his tongue and a warm fleshy tunnel where his mouth was supposed to be.

Even had Mykee wanted to escape now he wouldn’t have had the parts to say so. And as he felt his lips stiffen into a permanently open rubber ring, escape was the furthest thing in his mind.

“Let’s get this off of you,” said Andrea. He grabbed the bottom hem of Mykee’s pants legs and pulled them off. Even though Mykee’s ass was fatter and rounder than it had ever been, he’d shrunk so much in stature that the pants slipped off with ease, anyway.

“And these too,” said Rami. He whipped off Mykee’s loose boxer briefs with just as little effort.

Mykee’s cock sprang free. He’d always been thick and well-endowed and despite everything that had changed about him, that hadn’t. His cock shone in the light, a perfectly glossy dildo hanging off of his rubberized body.

“You’re just a toy, right?” said Andrea. “A hole made for men to fuck?”

The devilish glint in the leather cop’s eye was lost on Mykee. He nodded because it was true. “J-just a toy, daddy!” he moaned, his rubber cock twitching with the fresh wave of arousal that accompanied the admission.

Andrea leaned forward and wrapped his fingers around the girth of Mykee’s rubberized cock. “Then you won’t need this,” he said as he used his other hand to press down on the head of Mykee’s erection.

Mykee moaned. The sensation was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. Andrea moved his palm in circles on the head of Mykee’s cock as he pushed down, compressing and squishing the thick meat down into a formless bulge.

His hefty balls weren’t spared, either. When his cock had been pressed into his crotch, Andrea took care of those, as well, pushing them into the bulge before smoothing over the lumps that they formed in the rubber.

Just like that, Mykee had been neutered. His once-proud manhood was gone, nullified. All he was left with was a shiny, squishy bulge.

“Much better,” said Andrea. He rubbed his thumb over Mykee’s null bulge as a tattoo in the form of a keyhole formed on top of it. “Fucktoys like you don’t need any distractions from the cocks you’re servicing.”

It was true. Holes didn’t need poles. The only cocks that mattered were the ones fucking them. Mykee’s bulge quivered. He wanted cock. Needed cock.

Andrea grinned. “Okay. That’s enough. Let’s give him what he wants,” he said.

Rami chuckled. “I didn’t think I could hold back much longer anyway. Ready, princess?”

Mykee nodded. Of course, he was ready. He was made for this.

“Here you go.” Rami grabbed Mykee by the back of the head and slowly pushed him down. Andrea leaned back to give Mykee some space and grabbed his cock to wave it in front of Mykee’s face.

Mykee moaned as Andrea guided his cock into the rubber ring that had replaced his mouth. It was such a big cock that the head was just barely big enough that Mykee’s ring-mouth had to stretch around it.

Pleasure ripped through Mykee’s body the moment Andrea’s cock head touched his tongue. The taste was unlike anything he’d ever had in his mouth before. It was downright intoxicating.

His mouth watered as his tongue swirled around the head, only it wasn’t spit or drool that was leaking out of him, it was lube. It didn’t take long before Mykee realized that the rest of Andrea’s dick was just as thick as the head—if not thicker—and he couldn’t help but moan as his ring-mouth was forced to stretch around the considerable girth.

Not that he had anything to complain about. It was just what he wanted. Having a fat dick in his mouth was his purpose, and the feeling of its heat on his tongue made more and more lube leak out of him.

Rami slipped his basketball shorts off with ease. His cock was just as impressive as Andrea’s, if not bigger. He wasted no time at all on foreplay, rubbing his shaft just a few times up and down the cleft of Mykee’s ass before taking aim at the trembling hole and spearing it on his erection.

Mykee’s back arched as Rami filled him up in one brutal thrust. The impact pitched him forward forcing his ring-mouth down to the base of Andrea’s dick in one smooth motion.

He was in bliss. His whole body shook. Pleasure unlike anything he’d ever experienced slammed into him as his insides fluttered around the cocks that were buried in him.

“Fuck, that’s a sweet fucking throat,” Andrea groaned as he tangled his fingers in Mykee’s hair.

“That’s nothing, old man. You should get a taste of this tight pussy,” Rami growled under his breath.

Mykee had never felt so fulfilled. With two cocks inside him, he felt as if he were whole. In the back of his mind, he had this faint inkling that things were supposed to be different.

A tiny part of him was convinced that he had another life, that he used to be someone. But as Andrea moved his head up and down, fucking his face on that fat leather cop dick, he struggled to think of why he would ever want to go back.

Andrea’s cock massaged the walls of Mykee’s throat. He was so thick he forced him to open up and stretch around him. As he picked up the speed, that tiny little part on Mykee’s head got smaller and smaller until it was gone altogether.

Mykee didn’t care. There wasn’t anywhere he’d rather be than between Andrea and Rami. Servicing their gorgeous cocks was the only thing he wanted. The only thing that mattered to him.

Steve watched on with a smirk. The work had been done to satisfaction and while it wasn’t quite time to reap the reward just yet, he was more than happy to enjoy the show.

“Fuck. This is much better,” said Rami as he hiked one leg onto the couch. Mykee was in front of him, on all fours. He was holding him down by the hips, fingers gripping tightly.

From his new position, Rami could really pump his hips like the stud he was. His firm pecs shook with every thrust, his muscular gut tightening to the rhythm of his hips slamming into Mykee’s.

Wet, slurping sounds came from the other end as Andrea gave Mykee the skull-fucking of his life. He was holding Mykee’s head in place with both hands while jackhammering his hips upward into the wet heat of Mykee’s mouth.

Both men were vocal. They grunted and groaned. They told Mykee how good his holes felt, how good of a job he was doing as a receptacle for cock. They didn’t hold back, fucking harder and faster with every minute that passed until, at the same time, they slammed into Mykee one last time and blew their loads.

The tribal tattoo just above Mykee’s crotch glowed purplish pink. His holes clamped around both men’s cocks, his insides no doubt milking every last drop that they could from the two.

By the time both men had finished emptying their balls into Mykee, the fucktoy’s smooth, taut stomach had swollen from the sheer amount.

“Fuck, man. Looks like we knocked him up,” said Rami.

Andrea cracked a grin and rubbed Mykee’s stomach. “What do you think’s gonna come out of him?” he said.

Rami shrugged. “Fuck if I know,” he said. “But I know what isn’t.”

“What’s that?” said Andrea with a smirk.

“Not a single fucking drop,” said Rami. As if he had done it hundreds of times before, he leaned over and opened the secret compartments built into the stage. He got out a dildo gag and a buttplug and shoved both into place.

“That’s more like it,” said Andrea as he brushed his thumb over the muzzle that kept the dildo gag in place. “Such a pretty fucktoy, isn’t he?”

Rami nodded. “Couldn’t have said it better myself,” he said.

Steve pushed himself off the wall he’d been leaning against and grinned. “You boys ready?” he said. “The birthday boy’s getting here soon.”

Rami and Andrea shared a look. “Fuck yeah,” they said in unison.

Steve laughed. “Come on. Let’s give the birthday boy a night he’ll never forget.”

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