The True Endgame pt. 3

When Neil comes to, he’s in a bed that isn’t his own, and he’s resting his head on a very warm, very firm slab of muscle. The memories come rushing back while all the blood in his head goes rushing down and he finds himself at the mercy of the Patriarch again before long.

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Hydro Homo pt. 5

The truth, at last, and it is beyond anything Bennett could have ever imagined. Strangely, Bennett isn’t as alarmed as he thinks he should be.

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Hydro Homo pt. 4

A kiss Bennett almost regrets paves the way for something beautiful. As his feelings for Ewan intensify, one thing leads to another in the Bio Chemistry lab.

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Hydro Homo pt. 3

An unfortunate event forces Bennett and Ewan closer than ever before and the tension between the two boils over in the aftermath.

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Hydro Homo pt. 2

Bennett meets with Jet’s contact in Minneapolis. He doesn’t uncover any evidence of the conspiracy but he does end up catching some strange feelings.

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Hydro Homo pt. 1

Bennett, a conspiracy theorist, uproots his life and heads to Minneapolis to uncover the truth behind Hierarch Industries’ Project: Ophiuchus.

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Across the Aisle

Randall is straight, or at the very least, he’s pretty sure he is. He hasn’t really had occasion to question his sexuality but it’s at his girlfriend’s cousin’s wedding where he catches the eye of a handsome guest on the other side of the aisle. The man’s gaze makes his heart beat faster in a way that his girlfriend hasn’t been able to in months.

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Omega Enrichment

Liam graduated almost a year ago, yet he hasn’t found a position to start his career. Interviews never seem to go anywhere. He’s also quite lonely, as he has a hard time getting outside his head and hasn’t connected well with others. Still a virgin, he hasn’t dated at all. Like job interviews, online dating interactions fizzle out. All that is about to change when Liam decides to apply for a position at Hierarch Industries.

Beta Patron Request by @trekoid-pr0n
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