Sir Gwyn has served as a loyal knight all his life. He swore that he would fight for his country until his last breath, in the name of his beloved, King Rafe, the Golden Wolf of Altenritter. Now, however, his Rafe is dead, and upon the throne sits Rafe’s arrogant son who wages ware on neighboring Collrine as soon as he has the chance.
A catastrophic defeat at the gates of the capital sends Sir Gwyn, exhausted, hungry, and badly wounded, to the edges of the Fellmire wood where a kind stranger happens upon him and helps nurse him back to health. Being the honorable man that he is, he insists that he owes a life debt and that he must pay more than a pittance for it.
Little does Sir Gwyn know that this debt will change his life forever.
Tag: dom
Late Bloomer
O dear Purple Fairy, I beseech thee to hear my plea.
Okay, I can’t keep that up the whole time. My friend just turned eighteen, and he is really bummed that puberty only ended him at about five and a half feet.
He is one of the smallest guys in town. On top of that, people keep calling him ugly. I don’t think he is that bad myself, but he is kind of plain. Brown hairs, brown eyes, a large nose and big lips that would make you think he was bottom.
I see the pain on his face more often than not, and wanted to help him. Of course I don’t think he wants to wait twenty years for me to try to become a pharmacist and create a drug. So I have come to you to see if you could help him.
Please grow him, make him a dom and a prime example of your work. Give him a body even male models would be jealous of. I don’t care what happens to me, make me his bitch, another dom to be his bro. I don’t care. Just please help my friend.
In Love And War
With his brothers too busy fucking like jackrabbits through the entire male population of the Earth, Hades is left in charge of godly affairs up on Olympus since Hera, after her messy split with Zeus, has gone on to a more fulfilling marriage and wants nothing to do with the crown.
His only option is to leave his beloved Iron Prince, Perseus, in charge of the Underworld. With Ares agitating for war and the unbelievable amount of work that it would require from the ruler of the Underworld, Hades does what he believes is necessary: he gives Ares a lesson that only the Lord of the Underworld could.
Handy Helping
Handyman Luca Bryant would have been an underwear model if he had it in him to show his entire body off to the world, but growing up in a small town piled a good heaping of what he would call modesty on top of his psyche. He’s not stupid, though. While he might never actually strip down for his clients, he knows that tight shirts and low-riding pants get him better tips than his usual attire. Luca would have happily coasted on the status quo for the rest of his life, but things are starting to change in his neighborhood and he finds that he’s having to do jobs he’s not quite used to for his newer clients.
There’s more to be afraid of on All Hallows’ Eve than the dark. When a distant world’s Hall of Heroes falls, Corey Cooper comes face to face with a malevolence that even he cannot overcome.
Wolf & Pup
Lloyd is an old wolf who’s given up hope on love, but a chance encounter in the woods proves that his heart isn’t as lost as he thinks it is.
Super Sucker pt. 16
In need of time to process what he did as Godspark, Corey stumbles upon some knowledge that puts him in more danger than he knows, and Marcus’ carefully-laid plans in jeopardy.
Superiors’ Court
Neil Abbott is facing a landmark Supreme Court case that is easily the most important case to come before the court in a decade. This is the fight that he has spent his whole career preparing for, a defense of rights that are supposed to be inalienable. A not-so-chance encounter with a captivating man sends all that tumbling down as Neil discovers a new side of himself, and gives in to the darkness.
Doped Down
Having always had dreams of becoming a body-builder despite his skinny body, Joe takes a bit too much of a shine to a new and experimental drug that his friend Lucas has been working on. Against his better judgment, he decides to sneak a dose of the drug and realizes that the physical changes come with significant psychological ones.
Super Sucker pt. 15
The thought of losing his Master makes Corey snap, and a new villain is born.