The Tyler Takedown pt. 2

Something strange is happening to Tyler in the aftermath of his encounter with Dr. Nielsen. For some reason, he just can’t get the handsome professor out of his very-straight, not-gay-at-all mind.

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The Tyler Takedown pt. 1

Tyler Kingston is a hotshot jock at the University of Minnesota. With a killer smile, great body, and the king-of-the-world Alpha attitude to match, he thinks he’s got what it takes to rule the school. Especially when daddy dearest has enough money to make the administrators drool. Unfortunately for him, things are changing around campus, and the handsome Chemistry professor from Hierarch Industries isn’t going to tolerate his shit.

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Rock Hard pt. 2

Sir Gwyn has served as a loyal knight all his life. He swore that he would fight for his country until his last breath, in the name of his beloved, King Rafe, the Golden Wolf of Altenritter. Now, however, his Rafe is dead, and upon the throne sits Rafe’s arrogant son who wages ware on neighboring Collrine as soon as he has the chance.

A catastrophic defeat at the gates of the capital sends Sir Gwyn, exhausted, hungry, and badly wounded, to the edges of the Fellmire wood where a kind stranger happens upon him and helps nurse him back to health. Being the honorable man that he is, he insists that he owes a life debt and that he must pay more than a pittance for it.

Little does Sir Gwyn know that this debt will change his life forever.

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Rock Hard pt. 1

Sir Gwyn has served as a loyal knight all his life. He swore that he would fight for his country until his last breath, in the name of his beloved, King Rafe, the Golden Wolf of Altenritter. Now, however, his Rafe is dead, and upon the throne sits Rafe’s arrogant son who wages ware on neighboring Collrine as soon as he has the chance.

A catastrophic defeat at the gates of the capital sends Sir Gwyn, exhausted, hungry, and badly wounded, to the edges of the Fellmire wood where a kind stranger happens upon him and helps nurse him back to health. Being the honorable man that he is, he insists that he owes a life debt and that he must pay more than a pittance for it.

Little does Sir Gwyn know that this debt will change his life forever.

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Late Bloomer

O dear Purple Fairy, I beseech thee to hear my plea.

Okay, I can’t keep that up the whole time. My friend just turned eighteen, and he is really bummed that puberty only ended him at about five and a half feet.

He is one of the smallest guys in town. On top of that, people keep calling him ugly. I don’t think he is that bad myself, but he is kind of plain. Brown hairs, brown eyes, a large nose and big lips that would make you think he was bottom.

I see the pain on his face more often than not, and wanted to help him. Of course I don’t think he wants to wait twenty years for me to try to become a pharmacist and create a drug. So I have come to you to see if you could help him.

Please grow him, make him a dom and a prime example of your work. Give him a body even male models would be jealous of. I don’t care what happens to me, make me his bitch, another dom to be his bro. I don’t care. Just please help my friend.

Beta Patron Request by @karkat-kanaya-mix
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In Love And War

With his brothers too busy fucking like jackrabbits through the entire male population of the Earth, Hades is left in charge of godly affairs up on Olympus since Hera, after her messy split with Zeus, has gone on to a more fulfilling marriage and wants nothing to do with the crown.

His only option is to leave his beloved Iron Prince, Perseus, in charge of the Underworld. With Ares agitating for war and the unbelievable amount of work that it would require from the ruler of the Underworld, Hades does what he believes is necessary: he gives Ares a lesson that only the Lord of the Underworld could.

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Gender Studies

Dr. Taron Burns is a sociologist by trade and has to teach a second year liberal arts course in order to satisfy the terms of his tenure appointment. He has a reputation as being a relatively easygoing teacher, a lenient marker, and all-around nice guy. This year, he’s talking about gender roles and how they help and hinder progress in broader human society. Only, something strange is happening: his class is shrinking and it seems to be the girls, without exception, who are dropping out of his class, along with some of the more timid boys. He doesn’t know what to make jockboys that stay in his class, but he certainly finds the way that they look at him distracting. 

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