Hello, Purple Fairy. I have a request, please. I ask you to make me a confident Latino twink with an impressive dick. The kind of dick that people will be willing to take if they see it.
I want even the most Alpha of people to take one look and be willing to submit to me. I would especially enjoy it if this turned me into a huge club goer, especially if I make it a habit of acting like I’d be willing to take a dick.
Maybe it could even happen the first time I go to a club? Like, the more I dance, the more I change. Please and thank you Purple Fairy.
Tag: twink transformation
The Fall of Seth
Charlie Morrison is a red-blooded, straight, Christian American man, and he thinks that the world is meant to bow to his every whim. He thinks himself above everyone else, but when the sins of his past come back to haunt him, it doesn’t take very long to knock him down a few pegs.

Running Dry
An arrogant, homophobic jock suffers under a curse imposed on him by a warlock he offended one too many times. As much as he fights it, he succumbs every time.

What a Boi Wants
Which Fairy would I plead to for help if I wanted to be made into the twinkiest, most perfect boi? And would said Fairy prefer payment before or after their assistance?

Snap Back
I’ve heard of a cursed hat, probably something made by the Pink Fairy years ago, that if you put on your head facing forward, it turns you into a buff, Alpha top. If you put it on backwards, you become a dumb, slutty, twinky bottom. And if you spin it backwards or forwards before removing it, it’ll turn you into a dumb, vers, slutty muscle jock.