Industrie Hierarch

Hi Ethan! Last time I visited Europe, I felt so out of my league. Nobody even noticed me next to all of the hot, tanned men… So I was hoping someone could do me a favour.

I’ve always dreamed of being a hot robust Italian with golden skin, good muscles (not over the top, though — think Chris Pratt level) and a thick pelt of chest hair. The kind of guy who would always be comfortable in a speedo.

I would also appreciate it if I could lose a few years and return to my mind 20’s…

Story Request by @unabashedwinnerboi
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A Dash of Salt

Hello, Echo. First of all, I’m a big fan! I’ve read a lot of your stories and captions, especially the Pink Fairy’s work. And after reading about all these different transformations, I was hoping the great Pink Fairy could help me out.

I’m a scrawny and unnoticeable guy and I wanted to be this manly, rugged, hung tough guy. It’s all I ever really wanted to be… So could you please help me out?

Story Request by @bigmanz-f-u
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Next year, I’m starting college. I was targeted by a bully because I was gay, in a Southern state. Jason was the worst of them, and it didn’t help that he had a hot, thick southern accent and the shape of someone who works the field.

Yet, there is a thin line between love and hate. I want you to turn him into even more of an imposing bull. I would like it if, by the time I go to the first day of college, that he has the body of a power-lifter. Give him a nose ring and a mohawk that fits the bull name.

However, I want to brand his ass with my name. You don’t need to change his personality much. Maybe make it so that my hand slapping his butt makes him moan like a needy bull, like he needs my hands to milk his breeding bull balls.

Alpha Patron Request by @welan
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