After a wild night with his boyfriend, Chris has to take a step back to process everything that’s gone down so far. He has no idea what kind of shit he’s gotten into, but he’s not about to let that stop him. Jason is the most important person in the world to him, and he needs to get to the bottom of what happened at Camp Wild Rush.
Inspired by this request: [request link]
Tag: werewolves
Pack of Protection
I know that this is a strange request, but I’ve been scared, recently. I’ve been able to live most of my life, thankfully, as my authentic gay self but lately, in my circle, a couple of people have just up and disappeared. The last thing anyone hears about from them is that they’ve gone straight.
I… I think there might be some… thing going around and doing this. On the one hand, I’m scared someone’s going to try and make me less than myself and that makes me want to be protected. On the other, I just wish I was stronger so I could fight this to help my friends and my people… Is there anything I can do?
ADVISORY: This story isn’t meant for a quick wank. If that’s what you need, then maybe it would be better if you read one of my other stories. This story touches on homophobia and uses language that might trigger more delicate sensibilities.
If, however, you’re up for a little bit of drama with erotic payoff at the end, then feel free to read this tale.
Men of Little Cloth
So… I had a fun weekend! Hours wasted being questioned in an interrogation room. Don’t know who they work for but it’s clear the pair of pious pricks are after every shred of information about a twink in pink and giant in purple. Tracking down anyone that might have crossed their path. Most, I guess are too stupid to use their brains for answers. The others send them packing. But they’re determined.

The Bite
Hey! So… I need some help. I am what people call a shut-in. I barely see the outside and my body is the shape of a pear. This leads me to be pretty smart, but with little to no confidence.
To try and get some confidence, I decided to leave my house and spend a week in the woods. However, I will probably never go back because a huge wolf came up and bit my leg.
I have seen your work. Is there anything you can do?