Dr. Taron Burns is a sociologist by trade and has to teach a second year liberal arts course in order to satisfy the terms of his tenure appointment. He has a reputation as being a relatively easygoing teacher, a lenient marker, and all-around nice guy. This year, he’s talking about gender roles and how they help and hinder progress in broader human society. Only, something strange is happening: his class is shrinking and it seems to be the girls, without exception, who are dropping out of his class, along with some of the more timid boys. He doesn’t know what to make jockboys that stay in his class, but he certainly finds the way that they look at him distracting.
Tag: cocksucker
Washed Out
It’s probably never a good idea for an arrogant Alpha jock to take rides home from strangers.
Fair Pay for A Good Day’s Work
Hey Pink Fairy…
There’s this guy, Trey, at my school. He’s very cute, but he’s straight. I thought he was one of the good guys at first because he caught me staring but he didn’t bully me or shout at me. In fact, he befriended me and we hung out for a while. I should have known it was too good to be true because he just used me to help him write his term paper.
Trey ghosted me after turning his paper in. It hurt. I thought we had something. Turns out he’s done this to a lot of guys at school. He baits gay guys with his good looks and his charm to get them to do stuff for him like giving him loans, doing his laundry, and helping him pass classes. It’s fucking unfair and I’m fucking pissed.
Can you punish him, Pink Fairy? I think he needs to get taken down a peg. Maybe you can force him to go through with paying the sex that he implies he’ll do in exchange for gay guys’ help even if he doesn’t intend to. I think it’s only fair that he do something for us poor guys since we did something for him.
Bubble Boy Season
I haven’t seen the Bubble Boy Virus for a long time. Has the virus disappeared? Or is it about to break out again? I’m hoping I won’t be infected…
Super Sucker pt. 5
The only two heroes close enough to respond to the scene of the crime, Tempest and Phantom enter the Tether to confront Pyroclast and Temblor.

Nectar of the Gods
I know you must be getting annoyed with my asks, but I need the Pink Fairy’s help! After sucking my boyfriend off, I felt sick from the taste of his cum and I felt so turned off…
Can you help me so I won’t have any more problems like that? Maybe make me enjoy more than just a cock in my mouth?

Not Quite Fitting In
I recently met up with some old family friends from my childhood. All of the three boys grew up to be huge muscular jocks and I have always been the skinny, nerdy friend.
Any way that you think the Pink Fairy could help me out and be more of one of them?

Hey Pink Fairy. I’ve always been pretty versatile, but recently my Daddy saw me stroking while I played with my dildo.
He says that I should be a real slut for him and never touch my cock or else he’ll leave me. Is there a way that you can help me?
I’ll do anything to please him, even if it means a cage or worse.