I’ve made a terrible mistake. A fitness magazine is doing “be the next face of” and I signed up!
They want me to come in for a photo shoot. I am not ready, what am I going to do?
Tag: muscle
Muscle Fag
I am so tired of being alone… Is there some way that the pink fairy could turn me into a muscular faggot slut that all men want to fuck?
Genius Genie Gaffe
Clive thinks he’s smarter than everyone, even a genie. Turns out, not really.
Body Build-up
Hey, Purple Fairy. I don’t know if you guys work with straight guys or not, but I heard some guys talking about you and I wanted to get in touch. I’m a bodybuilder. I love building muscle and getting bigger. And I’ll do anything I can to grow.
And just know: I don’t have any problem with gay guys! I mean, they love my muscles and I get off on being worshipped. I even work a couple of nights during the week at a gay bar dancing and sometimes bartending.
I don’t mind the customers asking to feel my muscles in return for a nice tip, or arranging to meet for a more private, more naked session where they can really feel my body up. They just can’t touch the junk, because I don’t swing that way and I’m big enough to break any of them in two if they try. But hey…the money I get from them pays for my supplements…and that fuels my growth.
So, as I said, I’ll do anything. Will you help me grow?
Gooner’s Grievance
Hey Pink Fairy, my roommate is a complete asshole and I need your help. We’re both seniors living in the athletic dorm on campus. John’s in football while I’m a gymnast. Most of this year the situation has been good but not great. I’m out and John has made it clear that he’s not all that cool living with a gay guy. Mostly his animosity was limited to muttered remarks, snide comments, and jokes whispered to his other football buddies.
Until last week.
Unbeknownst to me, John used his webcam to secretly record me enjoying some “alone time” in the room jerking off. Now look, I’m a healthy, fit, red-blooded young guy who enjoys sex with myself as much as I enjoy it with another guy. And I kinda get into it, moaning, playing with my nips, fingering myself, sometimes even feeling up my own muscles. Anyway, that day happened to be a major session where I went all out and finished with a loud, powerful orgasm.
When John saw what he had captured he wasted no time in showing it to his buddies who, in turn, encouraged him to post it to our campus social media. Five minutes after that I was a laughing stock. Everywhere I went people pointed and laughed. I went into the student union and felt a cold chill run down my spine when I heard my own lusty moaning coming out of some guy’s phone. I ran back to the dorm, only to find John and his buddies hanging out in our room laughing. I had nowhere to go…and I wanted to crawl in a hole and die.
Pink Fairy, we need to take this asshole down. Will you help me?
As All Things Should Be
My roommate recently came back from a vacation to some island. He’s been a bit strange, although he looks a lot better than he used to.
The problem is, soon after he got home, he turned on the A/C, took off his clothes, and laid in bed. After that, it was almost like he couldn’t stand clothes. Stranger still, some of the other people in the building started doing the same thing. None of them leave, except to buy groceries when necessary. At all other times, they’re just in their rooms, naked in bed.
Ah… It’s so hot… I have to take off my clothes. I… I want chicken.

Big and Little
My boyfriend is pretty big, but I would like him to be even bigger. If he could take steroids so that he becomes a huge monster with a small cock, it would be even better. Can you help me?
Super Sucker
Corey Cooper is the kind of over-achieving kid that everyone would hate if not for his enduring charisma but he has a secret. A 4.0 GPA star quarterback by day, by night Corey is the masked hero known as Tempest.
But that isn’t his secret. His secret is that he goes to bed each night fantasizing about being brainwashed into an obedient, horny, mindless sex slave by a supervillain. Particularly the hot, cruel, impossibly handsome Imperious.

Loosen Him Up
Hey Pink Fairy! My roommate and I have started to have some problems.
He’s actually a great roommate — he’s kind, considerate, clean, and always pays his share of the bills. He’s straight, but is pretty gay friendly.
He’s also one of the most attractive men I’ve ever laid eyes on in my life. He works as a personal trainer at a gym down the street so his body is in spectacular shape — muscular and bulging in all the right places. Even in gym clothes his ass is a work of art. As if that weren’t enough he is seriously good looking with chiseled features, perfect dark hair, and piercing blue eyes.
Unfortunately, every time he walks in the room I get totally flustered and completely distracted. I can’t do anything but stare and stammer. I can’t seem to keep my eyes off of his beautiful body.
I guess I stared too much because lately my roommate has started spending less time at home and covering up almost completely when I’m around. Before he would be relatively nonchalant about walking around without a shirt, or strolling from the bathroom in a towel. Now, he rushes to throw on a robe or a hoodie and track pants whenever I get home.
I’m bummed that I’ve caused him to feel uncomfortable. I know I kinda perved on him a bit, but it was almost impossible for me not to. Can you do something to help my roommate really enjoy living with me?

Anxious for Cock
Hi. I recently started taking anti-anxiety pills. The thing is, all of my anxiety comes from overthinking and worrying about the future… Could the Fairies swap my anti-anxiety pills for anti-intelligence pills?