Chimera Conquest — Trevor pt. 6

Trevor has overestimated his hand, and he has walked right into Chimera’s web. Desperate for relief from the arousal that has been plaguing him, his vaunted principles crumble at prospect of true satisfaction.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

The corner of Chimera’s mouth pulled into a little smirk as he lowered the ampoule between his legs, holding it just next to the throbbing girth of his fat cock. His iridescent eyes shimmered with glee as he met Trevor’s gaze and grinned.

He shook the ampoule, forcing the phosphorescent pink liquid inside to slosh around inside the glass vessel. Dropping his voice by an octave, he said, “Is the antidote really what you want?”

Trevor swallowed audibly.

“There’s no shame in admitting that the right thing to do isn’t necessarily the thing that would fulfill your needs,” said Chimera, his voice low, gravelly, and incomprehensibly arousing.

“Actually, I think a lot of the time we have to give up on the things we need to do the right thing,” said Chimera. “You’re a vigilante. A hero. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? I’m sure you’ve had to make hard choices, huge personal sacrifices all the time. Just for the greater good.”

Trevor had nothing to say to Chimera’s words because they rang true. He had spent decades trying to be a role model to his community, to give them leadership and hope, since it was his sincere belief that it was the only way life could get better for them.

All his life, he’d given back to the people that took him in and raised him. But in the process, he’d put his own wants aside. His own needs aside.

Chimera chuckled and waved his cock. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough?” he said. “Don’t you think it’s about time you got to do something for yourself?”

He smirked. “I was in the system, you know. Saw a lot of places before I landed right back where I started. In this shithole of a city.”

Trevor blinked. He supposed it made sense. The system failed so many, it mostly bred more criminals instead of putting children in good situations. Success stories were few and far in between.

“You know what I saw in those places, Golden Dragon?” he said.

Trevor’s mouth was dry. “What did you see?” he said.

“Service like yours—dedication like yours—it was rewarded. But the world we live in isn’t fair, is it? People like you and me, we just have to seize whatever opportunities blow our way,” said Chimera.

It was a salient point. Trevor had worked so hard for so long, and yet the job was a thankless one.

Chimera’s words struck a chord. Trevor had always wondered if he would ever get to rest. He’d always assumed that as a parent and a hero, that there would never come a day that he could just be. A day when he could indulge the things he wanted instead of what the people that depended on him needed.

It wasn’t even that Trevor wanted recognition or gratitude. He just wanted a break. And maybe Chimera was right. Maybe it was time he took care of number 1 for once. Maybe it was fine to grab the opportunity that had fallen into his lap.

The thought was wrong. It went against all of Trevor’s principles. But maybe he was tired of carrying all those burdensome principles around.

The world wouldn’t end if he took just one day for himself. He could afford to just not be a father, not be a hero for a few hours.

The kids weren’t around, after all. He’d told no one where he was going. No one would know what he was doing.

Trevor licked his lips, his mouth watering. His gaze followed Chimera’s cock as it waved back and forth in front of his eyes. It was almost hypnotic. Every slow, teasing motion sent a wave of fresh arousal through him.

Out of the corner of his eye, Trevor could see the ampoule. For a moment, old habits kicked in. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind, trying to convince himself that it would be the height of stupidity to take the choice Chimera clearly wanted him to take.

He was a hero and a father. He was a pillar of his community. He had a role to play, duties to fulfill, responsibilities to shoulder. He couldn’t just go around indulging every whim, especially when they involved someone that had threatened his family.

Trevor was horny. He wasn’t exactly thinking with the head on his shoulders. And the one between his legs was pretty single-minded as it seemed to love reminding him every time it pulsed against his thigh.

He looked down at himself, at what he was wearing. He looked like a slut. A streetwalker. He’d justified it to himself by saying that it would make Chimera more likely to give him the antidote, but deep down there was a part of him that just needed the excuse. Part of him that liked feeling sexy.

Chimera smirked. He tapped his cock on his belly. The thwapping sound made Trevor’s own arousal twitch. “There’s nothing wrong with letting go for once. You could afford to give yourself a reward.”

Trevor hesitated.

“Think about it this way, Golden Dragon. Your four teammates are okay now, right? It’s not like you’re leaving the place defenseless…” Chimera chuckled. “And the biggest threat to you right now is in front of you. So I can’t possibly attack while we’re here, can I?”

Trevor was loath to concede the point, but it was a good one. His boys could take care of themselves. Chimera was the only other big player in the area and the man was stuck here with him.

“It doesn’t have to mean anything,” said Chimera. “What happens in this room doesn’t have to come with us when we leave it.”

Chimera shook his cock. The motion drew Trevor’s gaze in an instant. Trevor chewed his lower lip, biting back the moan that threatened to spill from him.

Chimera was so big Trevor felt as if he couldn’t tear his eyes away from it even if he wanted to. There were other things he was supposed to prioritize, but the only thing he could think of was how Chimera’s cock would feel in his hands—how it would taste on his tongue.

“No one ever said heroes and villains can’t sleep together,” said Chimera. His low chuckle sent a shiver down Trevor’s spine. “We’re people too. And sometimes we have needs the people around us can’t satisfy.”

Chimera idly stroked his cock, teasing pre-cum out of the tip. “The world doesn’t have to be so black-and white… A revolutionary concept for a hero, I’m sure.”

He laughed. “If it makes you feel any better, we can have our fun in this little bedroom. And when we’re done, we can go back to being Chimera and Golden Dragon, mortal enemies.”

Trevor had never been gay in his life. But the truth was that he wanted cock. Not even Chimera’s specifically. But it was the one in front of him. And it looked so tasty.

Maybe it was the horniness messing with his mind, but he was coming around to Chimera’s argument. Nothing they did had to leave the four corners of the room. And if there was anything a vigilante hero like himself knew, it was how to live a double life.

It wasn’t like Trevor had ever been a hardline when it came to crooks in his part of town. He knew the trouble that getting into unnecessary fights could cause.

That was the reason he’d always toed a fairly cautious line with villains. He fought when he had to—when they got too big for their britches or if they crossed a line they weren’t supposed to. But really, there was a tacit agreement between him and all the upstarts in the area: if they didn’t touch his people, he wouldn’t have to come after them.

Chimera chuckled. Those strange purple eyes of his met Trevor’s gaze. The glimmer in them made Trevor wonder if the younger man had the power to read his mind.

“You never know… Maybe this might help us understand each other… I mean, I’m not too fond of a life of crime. It’s hard work. I just do it because I think it’s what I need to do,” said Chimera.

It was a wicked thing to say. The implication that Chimera might change his ways if there was someone around him to show him a better path was a major blow to whatever reservations Trevor had left.

Trevor had to wonder how much of it was true. He thought back to their first encounter. Other crime lords would have left their minions to suffer the consequences of the encounter, but not Chimera.

It was a small thing, and Chimera was far from a paragon of good, but it at least meant that he wasn’t without compassion. No one was wholly good in this part of town. Not even him.

And maybe, just maybe, Trevor could be the one to convince Chimera to turn over a new leaf. It was a narrow hope and wasn’t going to happen overnight, but if there was a chance to resolve things peacefully, then he had to take it.

“So, what’s your choice?” said Chimera. From his tone, it was clear he expected an answer.

Trevor faltered. The decision was difficult. It tied his stomach up in knots. But he knew that he would be closing off a potential path forward if he chose the antidote.

He made his decision. It was motivated entirely by the desire to do good. He wanted to convince Chimera to become a better person—and for no other reason whatsoever. No other reason at all.

Trevor sank to his knees and shuffled forward. He placed his hands on Chimera’s knees, looked up into the younger man’s eyes, and leaned forward to press his lips to the tip of Chimera’s cock.

He licked his lips. “Clear your schedule,” he said.

Chimera chuckled. He tossed the ampoule aside. “Was that so hard?” he said.

Trevor heard the crunch of glass shattering against the wall. But he didn’t spare the broken vessel even a glance. Other things demanded his attention.

He shivered as Chimera’s fingers threaded through his hair. His entire body felt like it was on fire. He was putting on a mask of composure and confidence, but really all he wanted was to slobber all over Chimera’s fat hog.

“It is hard,” said Trevor as he wrapped his fingers around the base of Chimera’s cock. “Very hard.”

Chimera chuckled. “It’s hard for you,” he said as he released his cock from his grip. “Now get to work. It’s about time you paid me back for the favor from last time.”

Trevor flushed. He didn’t remember it as a favor, but as a price he had to pay to get the antidote. But he wasn’t about to nitpick. Not when the premise served him well enough.

His cock twitched against his thigh as he swirled his tongue around the head of Chimera’s cock. It elicited a grunt, the grip in his hair tightening.

“You’ve obviously never done this before,” said Chimera after a moment. “It’s not made of glass. Stop pussyfooting around it. A cock can take a lot of punishment, you know?”

Trevor shivered. He was vaguely aware CBT was a thing. But he’d always been painfully vanilla. Nevertheless, the nudge was all he needed. His whole body tensed in anticipation as he wrapped his lips around the head of Chimera’s cock.

There was a faint ache in his jaw as the considerable girth wedged his teeth apart. Not that it was much of a surprise. He’d never had to open his mouth so wide before—not even at the dentist.

He couldn’t help the moan that spilled out of him when he felt the heat of Chimera’s cock head on his tongue. He was good at visualization, but not even his wildest imaginations could compare to how the real thing felt. He didn’t know why, but it tasted so goddamn good.

After swirling his tongue around the sensitive glans a few times, tracing the tip around the crown of Chimera’s cock head, he slowly worked his lips down the length of Chimera’s hardness. It quickly hit the back of his throat and he had to stop.

It was an odd thing, the mixture of perverse pleasure and humiliation he felt when he realized in a moment of clarity that he—a middle-aged master martial artist and rock of his community—was choking on the end of a fat dick belonging to a master criminal half his age.

Luckily, this was the exact kind of situation where the rigorous self-control that martial arts had drilled into him came in handy. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his lungs filling with that heady, faintly sweet scent that made his thoughts all fuzzy.

It was difficult to focus through the haze of need that had filled his head, but he managed somehow. His throat slowly relaxed, and he gurgled softly around Chimera’s girth as it gradually slid into his throat.

When Trevor finally opened his eyes again, he was halfway down Chimera’s dick and the realization stoked a fire inside him. He didn’t know why he was so turned on, but there was no denying it.

Warmth pooled in his stomach. It was a peculiar mix of shame, humiliation, and arousal unlike anything he’d experienced before.

Chimera’s thick cock had forced Trevor’s jaw wide open. Its considerable girth stretched his lips in a tight ring around it. It must have looked absurd; here he was, a reputable man, dressed like a whore with a cock stuck halfway down his throat. It was an indignity unlike any other and yet the shame of it only made him harder.

“You’re doing a great job. I take back what I said earlier. Looking at you now, I don’t think anyone would believe it’s your first time taking cock,” said Chimera. He gently pushed down on the top of Trevor’s head, coaxing him deeper.

Trevor flushed at the praise. It was patronizing, especially coming from a guy half his age. But the humiliation of it went straight to his cock, making it leak against his thigh.

He swallowed Chimera, greedily sinking his mouth down the length until his nose is resting against the criminal’s crotch. It took him a moment to register that he had no further to go. That he was deepthroating a massive cock.

Trevor didn’t know if it was just his imagination or if Chimera was just that hung, but he could almost feel the head of Chimera’s hog pressing up against his sternum from the inside.

He took another deep breath. His eyes fluttered. The scent was stronger at the root of Chimera’s cock. More intoxicating.

As his head filled with cotton, he couldn’t help but arch his back and push his ass out. He relaxed even more, letting Chimera’s cock slide even deeper into his throat.

Trevor realized his chin was resting on the top of Chimera’s ballsack. It was supposed to be wrong. Filthy. Undignified beyond belief. And despite all the shame and humiliation he felt, he was so turned on.

“Here you thought you were straight,” said Chimera as he gently stroked Trevor’s scalp. “Fuck. You’ve got such a sweet mouth on you, Golden Dragon. I think you were born for this.”

Trevor had never had occasion to question his sexuality, but there was no denying that Chimera had a point. He’d always thought of himself as a straight guy and yet here he was, nose buried in another guy’s crotch, throat stretched around a fat hog, chin pressed against a pair of heavy balls.

Perhaps the most damning thing about it all was that he’d come of his own accord. Deep down he knew he’d come to see Chimera because this was the outcome he’d wanted from the first. And his hard cock was proof of that.

Chimera tightened his grip on Trevor’s hair. “Fuck. I’ve waited long enough,” he said. “Let me feel what that sweet throat is like.”

At the prompting, Trevor moved his head up and down between Chimera’s legs. He might have never sucked cock before, but he wasn’t so blinkered he didn’t know the basics of sex between men.

The one thing that was a surprise was how good it felt to suck cock. It was pretty obvious that the one getting blown would feel good, but he’d never expected that the one doing the sucking could get pleasure out of it, too.

The sensation was incredible. It was unlike anything Trevor had experienced before. His imagination paled in comparison to the reality, and the movement of the cock back and forth in his throat felt like it was scratching an itch he’d never known he had.

Every breath he took filled his lungs with more of that intoxicating scent. It drove him crazy, scattered unrelated thoughts into static. He couldn’t think, and somehow that turned him on even more.

Maybe it was the freedom of it. The fact that Trevor was finally able to let go of his principles and responsibilities and worries. The liberty of getting to indulge in something that felt good without thinking too much about the consequences.

Trevor guzzled Chimera’s dick as if he were born to it. The low groans that he managed to exact were fuel to him.

He felt like a teenager trying hardcore drugs. The more he bounced his face on Chimera’s dick, the more his throat seemed to relax and welcome it.

Just a week ago, Trevor would have never imagined he would be talking civilly to a villain, much less on his knees sucking one off. And yet, the undeniable truth was that he loved it. The taste. The sensation.

He was hooked. And he wanted more.

All the reasons he’d used to justify the choice he made were pushed to the side as Chimera’s cock stretched his throat. They would be useful later to massage his conscience, but right now, there wasn’t any space in his head for pretense.

The bare naked truth was that Trevor was sucking cock because it felt good. Because his body wanted it. Craved it like nothing else.

Chimera grunted and took a more active role. Using his grip on Trevor’s hair for leverage, he rolled his hips. “I’d like nothing more than to throat-fuck you so hard you feel your brain bouncing around in that thick skull of yours, but that might be too much for a first-time cocksucker,” he growled.

Trevor flushed at the pejorative. There was that instinct in the back of his mind to be defensive, but he had to ask himself where the lie was in what Chimera had just said.

His mind saw the term as an indignity and an insult. His body disagreed. Being called a cocksucker made his cock throb, arousal washing through him.

And besides, he didn’t have grounds to subject. If Trevor didn’t want to be called a cocksucker, he wouldn’t have been on his knees sucking a cock.

Chimera smirked. Holding Trevor’s head still, he pulled out until only the head of his cock remained in Trevor’s mouth. “Doesn’t mean I can’t give you a taste,” he said.

Just like that, Chimera snapped his hips forward. He thrust the full length of his cock down Trevor’s eager gullet.

Trevor’s eyes widened at the sudden intrusion. He moaned at the feeling of his throat being forced open, and choked around the length and girth of Chimera’s considerable endowment.

His spine arched and his toes curled. It should have felt unpleasant, but it didn’t. Instead, it was almost unfair how good it felt to have a cock rammed down his throat.

Chimera did it a few times, to no objection. Not that Trevor could say anything with his throat full of cock, anyway. He went on for a few minutes, stopping only once Trevor had gotten used to it and stopped choking on his dick.

When he was done, he pulled out of Trevor’s throat. There was a lewd wet pop when Trevor’s lips released him.

Trevor instinctively chased after Chimera’s cock. He managed only to kiss the head before Chimera yanked his head back into position.

“Get up,” said Chimera. “Why don’t you give me a show and get naked for me?”

Trevor stood. He slowly started stripping, grabbing the hem of his tank top. Sucking cock had been one thing, but a strip show was different. Getting his throat rammed had felt good for him, too, but getting naked in a sensual way, it was all for Chimera’s edification.

There was no excuse Trevor could make, no justification he could conjure from thin air to tell himself that he was getting something out of it, too. Sure, knowing that Chimera was watching him, lusting after him, felt good in its own perverse little way, but it felt different, somehow.

Trevor took his time, even swaying his hips to some imaginary tune as he stripped off everything he had on. Once he was naked, Chimera had him stand by the edge of the bed.

A shove was all it took for him to fall backward onto the mattress, his legs hanging off the edge of the bed. Chimera kicked them apart and stood in the space between them, stroking his cock before tapping the tip of it on Trevor’s full balls.

“This is what you came here for, isn’t it?” said Chimera as he rubbed his cock head over Trevor’s ballsack.

Trevor flushed. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Chimera’s knowing smirk told Trevor he wasn’t fooling anyone. “This was never about the antidote,” said Chimera. “This was always about dick. You’re hooked, and for a supposedly straight man, you’re looking mighty desperate to get your hole reamed out.”

“T-that’s not true at all!” said Trevor, though his hard cock twitching rather betrayed the lie.

Chimera chuckled. “Oh yeah? Then why are your legs already in the air?”

Trevor hadn’t even realized it, but Chimera was right. He hadn’t fully exposed himself yet, but his knees were a good two or three inches off the mattress already. He sputtered a bit, but ultimately couldn’t come up with the words to defend himself.

“Cat got your tongue?” said Chimera. He snickered. “That’s fine. You don’t need to say anything. Your body is telling me all I need to know.”

Trevor was unprepared when Chimera grabbed his legs by the backs of his knees and pushed them into the air. Chimera was surprisingly strong. He practically folded Trevor in half.

He wasn’t usually the kind of guy to get manhandled as he was tended to be the biggest guy in any room. But Chimera was pushing him around with ease. And instead of feeling alarmed about it, it just turned him on.

Trevor didn’t understand why, and if he was being honest, he didn’t really care to. It was just another indignity on the pile Chimera had already heaped on. Since he’d already decided to let Chimera do what he wanted, he figured he’d just enjoy the moment.

Chimera used his body to pin Trevor in place and wedge his legs apart. The compromising position spread his ass cheeks, exposing the trembling hole in between. “You know, someone after the antidote wouldn’t have come pre-stretched and pre-lubed,” he said.

Trevor didn’t have an answer. Because it was true. He’d come ready to be fucked and there was no denying that part. The proof was incontrovertible.

Chimera chuckled. He reached between his legs and lined his cock up with Trevor’s hole. He wiggled his hips, rubbing his cock head over the quivering pucker.

A moan spilled out of Trevor. His legs trembled. Whether it was apprehension or anticipation wasn’t exactly clear. Nor did he particularly care. All he could think about was the heat of Chimera’s cock head at his entrance, ready to plunder his virgin hole.

“For a straight guy, your fuckhole seems pretty fucking eager for cock,” said Chimera. He reached over and pushed a small brown bottle into Trevor’s hands. “Uncap it and put your thumb over the neck.”

Trevor did as he was told.

“Take a hit like this,” said Chimera, miming the motion for Trevor’s benefit. “And hold it for as long as you can.”

Trevor pinched a nostril shut as Chimera had shown him and shoved the bottle right under the other. He took a deep breath, pupils dilating as his mind exploded from the headrush. He felt like he was seeing galaxies.

Every muscle in Trevor’s body relaxed all at once. His asshole practically sucked Chimera’s dick inside him at the slightest provocation as a long, low moan percolated out of him.

“Keep going. Take a hit up the other side. Those poppers are gonna make your first time mind-blowing.” said Chimera. He cracked a grin. “I should know. It’s my own custom blend.”

Chimera didn’t bother to wait for Trevor to finish his second hit. He snapped his hips forward, smacking them into Trevor’s ass. Between the poppers, Trevor’s spit and throat slime, and the lube and stretching Trevor had done while furiously jerking off, there was practically no resistance.

Trevor’s eyes flew open halfway through his second hit. The stretch was intense. He felt as if he was being split open. But the poppers took the edge off, replacing it with an electric sort of pleasure that made him see stars.

His back arched off the bed. “Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck, that feels so good!” he moaned as Chimera buried his cock firmly inside him.

Chimera laughed. “You haven’t even experienced anything yet,” he said. “Keep taking hits of that little brown bottle of gold, fuckpig. I want the feeling of being stuffed to be burned into that thick skull of yours.”

He didn’t waste any time. He rolled his hips, starting out slowly but quickly picking up speed. And when he got going, he didn’t falter for even a moment.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why does that feel so good!” Trevor moaned as he felt the full force of Chimera’s cock pummeling his guts. He didn’t even have the words to describe it. Or maybe that was the fog in his head, making it impossible to think.

He didn’t care. The pleasure was all that mattered. Every thrust shook a few more thoughts, a few more worries out of his head and the relief of being emptied out like that was exquisite in a way he’d never imagined.

Trevor moved his hips in time with Chimera’s thrusts, fucking himself on that fat dick as much as Chimera was rutting into him. With every hit of poppers, his head got emptier and emptier, thoughts dissolving into static, replaced by a haze of pleasure.

It didn’t take long before he was mewling like a cheap whore, Chimera’s powerful thrusts rocking him back and forth on top of the mattress. His strong, muscular body writhed and undulated under Chimera’s pounding.

At one point he reached between his legs to grab his cock, but Chimera yanked his hand off. “You’re not allowed to touch yourself,” Chimera growled through gritted teeth.

The thought of rebelling never even crossed Trevor’s mind. He clutched the sheets with his free hand instead, forced to sink helplessly into the pleasure flooding his body.

He’d never been so overwhelmed. He was so used to taking the reins, commanding the flow of situations. Giving up control like this was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before and he never would have imagined the bliss that could come with it.

Tension coiled in Trevor’s gut. It was familiar by now, and shocking to feel, considering he’d only briefly touched his cock. He was approaching the edge and that seemed to loosen his tongue.

“Harder,” Trevor muttered. “Please. Faster. I’m so close. I just want to come!”

Chimera’s shimmering purple eyes met Trevor’s glassy-eyed gaze. His lips curled into a little smirk, sweat dripping from his brow onto Trevor’s chest under him.

“Destroy my hole,” Trevor breathed. “Break me open. Fuck me senseless. Turn me into a total cockwhore. Make me come on the end of your cock, please!”

He didn’t even know where the words came from, only that Chimera seemed to like them. He felt Chimera’s cock jump inside him as soon as he spoke the words and knew that he was going to get exactly what he wanted.

Chimera’s eyes were practically incandescent. He bared his teeth in a feral sort of grin and said, “That’s the plan.”

Adjusting the angle of his hips, Chimera jammed his cock into Trevor’s prostate. His girth had meant that he was rubbing against it before, but this was different. This was concentrated. “I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good it gets etched in that thick meathead skull of yours that you were born to take cock.”

Trevor was at a loss for words—not in the least, because he couldn’t stop moaning. Every thrust was like a wave of pleasure crashing over his body, wiping away whatever thoughts or dregs of resistance still remained inside him.

Chimera crushed his prostate with a few more ragged thrusts that made the bedframe quake before delivering a final, brutal slam of his cock right into Trevor’s button. “Cum for me, bitch!” he growled.

Trevor saw white. His body, primed for it, obeyed in an instant. Every muscle he had locked up, his legs tensing, his toes curling, his back arching off the bed. He came harder than he’d ever come before.

His hole clamped around Chimera’s cock, his walls fluttering and massaging the length of it. He felt it pulse and throb and swell inside him as Chimera ground their hips together.

And then Chimera came too. Hot cum flooded Trevor’s insides, and every splash of it that hit his guts sent a fresh wave of euphoria rolling over him.

The orgasm from his cock was short-lived compared to the orgasm that he got from his ass. It lasted long after the last bits of cum had dribbled out of him. And when it was done, he flopped bonelessly onto the bed, feeling exhausted and completely wrung out.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

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