
Ever since I got out of college and went home to live with my dad and brother again, they’ve done nothing but bully and pester me, whether it be about me being small and weak and not working a manual labor job or about me being gay. I think it’s about time I got a bit of revenge on both of them. Is there any way you think you could turn my brother into my dad’s cock and my dad into a dumb bodybuilder boyfriend for me next time either of them try to mess with me to put them in their place?

Story Request by @Ben
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Pack of Protection

I know that this is a strange request, but I’ve been scared, recently. I’ve been able to live most of my life, thankfully, as my authentic gay self but lately, in my circle, a couple of people have just up and disappeared. The last thing anyone hears about from them is that they’ve gone straight.

I… I think there might be some… thing going around and doing this. On the one hand, I’m scared someone’s going to try and make me less than myself and that makes me want to be protected. On the other, I just wish I was stronger so I could fight this to help my friends and my people… Is there anything I can do?

Story Request by @Blake

ADVISORY: This story isn’t meant for a quick wank. If that’s what you need, then maybe it would be better if you read one of my other stories. This story touches on homophobia and uses language that might trigger more delicate sensibilities.

If, however, you’re up for a little bit of drama with erotic payoff at the end, then feel free to read this tale.

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Addictive Ass

So, I’ve never been completely satisfied with my ass. My body in general isn’t what a lot of people would consider attractive. I can accept that, but I hate, hate, hate my flat ass…

I want a booty that could even bring in straight boys and alpha males to pound me all night long. I know that getting this will cost a heavy price, but whatever it is, I’m willing to pay it.

Story Request by @double-te
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