All the Boys in the Yard

A new milkshake place is the talk of the town, but Tanner doesn’t really pay much attention until his staunchly anti-capitalist, “Eat the Rich!” emo roommate applies for a job at the place and practically disappears. Now, he has to know what all the fuss is about—and it’s not like the muscle-bound himbo servers in their tight tank-tops and short shorts are bad to look at.

Beta Patron Request by @wigglywogglywaffles
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From Brains to Brawn

Alvin Leung is a successful young man fresh out of college with a bright future ahead of him. He’s just got one problem: boredom. His desk job just isn’t as exciting as he hoped it would be but, fortunately for him, a chance encounter at a bar leads to something life-changing.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

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Stress Relief

Hey, I’m not sure if this is real, but there is this guy Alex at my office. He’s wicked smart and cute but he’s always so stressed out. He gets to the office by 6:30 and doesn’t leave till 10. He’s always so busy!

He’s openly gay but not flashy about it. Do you think you could help him relax and maybe find a guy? He’s really nice (when he stops long enough to talk that is) and I think he should get to unwind a little. Thanks

Story Request by @caringcoworker
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My biggest fantasy is suddenly becoming all buff and outgrowing my clothes. I want to know what it’s like to hulk out, growing bigger and hairier until my clothes strain against my body, uncomfortably tight. Soon, the fabric bursts at the seams—the tightness and ripping arousing me.

Sure, I might lose a bit of intelligence but that’s fine—as long as I can still enjoy the change. After my growth spurt, I’d run out and fuck the first guy I see. I’d infect him and make him massive, just like me.

Story Request by @bigman366
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Lockdown in Lust

Sam’s roommate Tuck is about to do something monumentally stupid and join an anti-lockdown rally. It’s just bad enough thing to do that Sam’s willing to temporarily relax his ethical and moral standards to keep the big dumb idiot from going.


Disclaimer: This story involves a transmasculine (FtM) individual and penis in vagina (PIV) sex. While I have tried to be as respectfully euphemistic as I can where I can, this is an erotic story and therefore the use of language pertaining to transmasculine genitalia that may be triggering to some (i.e. use of the terms ‘clit’ and ‘boy pussy’) is unavoidable.

I have done my best to consult with trans friends and do research but it is my understanding that there is no universal standard of acceptable terms for trans genitalia. That is to say, what one individual might find perfectly alright, another might find squicky—or triggering altogether. While I would love for you to read and enjoy this story, please consider if you would like to continue if you suffer from bottom dysphoria.

Furthermore, I would like to remind everyone that this is erotica. Its primary purpose is entertainment. The presence of mind-control elements in this story is incidental and a defining feature of much of my work. It is not intended as a commentary on the transgender experience, and I would like to categorically and emphatically make clear “trans deception” is bullshit.

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