Team Whore

Jess’ rival on the baseball team somehow gets a hold of compromising pictures of him sucking cock and gets blackmailed into making a particular request to the Pink Fairy. Unfortunately for him, the Pink Fairy doesn’t generally make distinctions between requests made of one’s own free will, and requests made under duress.

Story Request by @thiccanimuguys

This is a rewrite of a request previously received and responded to on Tumblr.

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In the Short Term

Memory and intelligence is such an interesting multifaceted subject. Had a great time discussing it during Psychology lectures.

The reason I bring it up is because Tom Holland cannot remember not to spoil the endings of his movies. Every interview he forgets to stop talking but doesn’t forget the story.

Episodic vs Semantic memory, explicit vs implicit. Question to the Pink Fairy. How much damage can it do to a boys intelligence if you surgically remove their ability to remember events of their lives, but leave the rest of their cognitive facilities intact? Present your findings to the group.

Supporter Request by @blazefiresabre1
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