Hey, I’ve recently started at a new job. Personal assistant… But you gotta do what you gotta do in this economy.
I have to work in the boss’s office and he has a bit of an issue with control. He’s the one that sets my schedule, the hours that I work, when, how many, and how long my breaks are… At first I thought it was really freaky, but I think I’m starting to appreciate it. I like the structure. The discipline… It’s actually helped me start going to the gym again…
But a small part of me wants him to take even more control… I want him to tell me what to do and how to do it… How to dress… It’s weird… But I want him to tell me what to think, now, too…
Tag: omega male
So, for some time now, I’ve had a crush on two of my friends. Well, they’re twins, actually, who came here from The Philippines. They’ve been two of my best friends since we were young. They’re cute and fun and outgoing and just… perfect.
They actually wanted to see what Hierarch Industries was about. Like everyone else, I’ve heard rumors of what goes on in there. But after brushing up on what little knowledge is available to the public (you know those Corporate Press Releases and Marketing stunts, etc.), I decided to join them.
I’m hoping this will give me a chance to be with one of them as their Alpha. Maybe if I’m lucky I can be with both of them chuckles one can only hope.
Well, see you after the meeting.
Oh Captain, My Captain
I’ve always wanted to be a sailor, and there’s a ship that docks in my town regularly but it’s a bit weird. All the guys on board are handsome and ripped but they’re all kinda weird. Except the captain. He’s got such gorgeous eyes I see them in my dreams.
A Little Adventure
I always wear suits and spend my time in the office doing boring paperwork. I wish there was some adventure in my life… and I hear that you have a way that you can help.

For Christmas, I wish my husband and I wake up with a young hunk that needs two well-off daddies to take care of him… Maybe someone with a nice smile, innocent eyes, and a lot of muscle.

Guard Dog
Hello. You are a representative of Hierarch Industries, yes? I have enjoyed your pup training services in the past but I find myself needing more of a guard dog. I have an Omega, but he’s not fit to keep my home secure from other Alphas.

Knot A Problem for Long
Isaac’s boyfriend of 4 years, Kevin, has walked out on their relationship, claiming that he has been “cured” and that he doesn’t want to be with the “faggot” anymore. He is miserable and bereft and desperate so he turns to ancient powers, willing to give up anything and everything to have Kevin back. The only problem is that this is easier said than done.
But the powers that be won’t let this insult stand. There is a balance to the cosmos, one that they have enforced in the absence of others who would do so, and an iniquity of this magnitude could not be allowed to remain unanswered.

Sneaking Around
I’m a journalist. Recently, I was tipped that something weird was happening at Hierarch Industries.
The more I pursued the story, the stranger it got. So I’ve decided to get myself into that place, hide until night, and figure some things out. I mean, what could go wrong?

Cocky Comeuppance
My friend disappeared on me for a couple weeks, actually. He came back acting really cocky and told me about something called Hierarch Industries.
So, what is this and what did it do to him?

Day in the Life
So you’ve talked extensively about how an Alpha/omega is processed and transformed by Hierarch Industries, but you’ve never really gone beyond that initial coupling… Could you go into detail about what the average day in the life of a mated omega would be like?
Do things continue on just as they had before they’d been mated, do they now act subservient or completely submissive to the demands of their new Alpha, or is it somewhere in the middle?
I’m curious to see what life is like for omegas once they’ve bonded with their Alpha.