Important Update!

Hello everyone. I hope you are all doing well! I’m doing alright, myself. Things seem to finally be settling down. There are just a couple of things that I wanted to talk about regarding the website and my commission services.


First of all, I opened commissions in June of 2021 and I wanted to express how incredibly grateful I am for all the support that I’ve received since then. The patronage of my commissioners has helped me eke out a living over the past few years and that’s something that I think I’ll be thankful for, for the rest of my life. However, the last time that I evaluated my prices was when I first set them, in June of 2021, and unfortunately my current rates are simply not economical for me. That is to say, effective as of July 11 2024, I will be raising my commission rates. These are the new rates:

Rate TypeBefore July 11 2024After July 11 2024
Base Rate12.5 USD per 1000 words16 USD per 1000 words
Patron/Supporter Rate12.5 USD per 1000 words14 USD per 1000 words
Regular Commissioner Rate12.5 USD per 1000 words14 USD per 1000 words

When considering this rate increase, I tried to balance my financial needs and the objective that I’ve tried to adhere to since the beginning, which is to provide accessible, relatively affordable commissions for those who like my stories and my writing style. Under the new rate, a 4000-word commission, that would have gone for 50 USD under the old rate, will now go for 64 USD with the base rate or 56 USD with the supporter/regulars discounted rate. It’s my hope that this won’t prove to be too substantial a financial burden.

What Happens During the Transition?

This announcement leaves just under a month between now and July. What happens to commission inquiries received, commissions undertaken, and ongoing commissions during this transition period? The answer is simple: As long as your commission inquiry was submitted before 12:00am Central Time on July 11 2024, whether I have taken it on or not, it will be grandfathered into the old rate at 12.5 USD per 1000 words.

Here’s a quick list of likely questions and answers:

I submitted an inquiry a few months ago and it’s now past the deadline, how much do I have to pay if you accept it?

Since the inquiry was submitted before the deadline, the old rate will be honored. You will have to pay 12.5 USD per 1000 words.

I submitted my inquiry before the deadline but you accepted my commission after the deadline. What rate will I have to pay?

Since the inquiry was submitted before the deadline, the old rate will be honored, even if I accept the commission past the deadline. You will have to pay 12.5 USD per 1000 words.

You accepted my commission but it’s already past the deadline and you’re still working on it. Will I have to pay the new rate?

No. If I started your commission before the deadline, the old rate will be honored. You will have to pay 12.5 USD per 1000 words.

We agreed to work on a long-term/serial commission and I commission you on a regular basis for chapters. Will I have to pay the new rate for new chapters after the deadline?

No. If I started working on a long-term/serial commission with you before the deadline, the old rate will be honored until the series is finished. You will have to pay 12.5 USD per 1000 words, even for chapters commissioned after the deadline.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

More Stories

Now that we’ve gotten past the most important announcement, I’d like to talk about the stories that I post on this blog. I realize that over the last years, I’ve been a bit inconsistent about posting my stories. I actually have a backlog of about three years’ worth of commissions that have not yet made it onto the site for one reason or another, usually my lacking the motivation to post them.

Starting now (the week of June 12, 2024), though, I’m going to try and adhere to a more regular posting schedule as best as I can. You can expect a new story—or a new chapter to an existing story—twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday, at least until I run out of backlog.

Something New

Last but not least, I wanted to announce that I think I’ll be trying something new in the near future. It’s still in the works, so I unfortunately can’t give you guys too many details but I’m planning on offering “Story Adoptables,” or “Story YCHs,” in a sense.

The motivation behind this effort is that I’ve got a lot of half-realized story ideas written down in various note-taking apps that I simply don’t have the time to write because of commissions and other projects. These ideas are a bit more malleable. The characters are often not set in stone and certain aspects of the plot are changeable.

The gist of the idea is this: I will be posting story ideas—likely on a Trello board—and I’ll provide some details such as the premise, the general outline for the plot that I have in mind, a price that I think the story would be worth, and what parts of the story such as the characters and specific scenes could be changed to the liking of whoever purchases the story. If you’ve got a character that you’d like to put in depraved situations or if you’d like a story but don’t have a specific idea of what you might want to get written, maybe this could be a good option for you.

Once I’ve got things set-up for this plan, I’ll make a new blog post with the details so please just keep an eye out for that. In the meantime, I don’t know if this is an idea that people would like, or whether it would work in the long-term, but I am happy to take suggestions and feedback so please do let me know what you think of this idea!

The Temptation of Clayton Hubbard Index

On the surface, Clayton Hubbard looks like a regular college kid with regular college problems but he has a secret: he’s a self-taught warlock. Having had a challenging academic year and with finals looming over him, he has little choice but to use his powers to help himself if he doesn’t want to repeat a year.

There’s just one problem: he’s in over his head. When attempting to summon a familiar, he makes a costly mistake that sends his and his boyfriend’s life careening straight off a cliff.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

  • The Temptation of Clayton Hubbard pt. 1

    Clayton Hubbard looks like a regular college kid with regular college problems on the surface, but he has a secret: he’s a self-taught warlock. With exams coming up and the traditional method of studying not working out all that well for him, he decides to take matters into his own hands but things do not…

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  • The Temptation of Clayton Hubbard pt. 2

    All Clay wanted was a familiar to help him ace his exam but he was in over his head and made a costly mistake that might just send his otherwise pleasant life careening off the edge of a cliff.

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  • The Temptation of Clayton Hubbard pt. 3

    Clay is seeing Briar everywhere. Memories of their first night together have stayed with him and his body can’t help but crave the demon’s touch. The exam proves more difficult than anticipated and desperate and out of options, he makes a deal with the devil.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

Halcyon Sunset

An up-and-coming team of heroes in the junior program at the Hall of Heroes decides to take matters into their own hands when the Hall fails to support the growth of their team. Against all odds, they find powerful financial backing but never in their wildest dreams could they have imagined the ulterior motives behind it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

  • Halcyon Sunset pt. 1

    Team Halcyon is a would-be team of junior heroes in Storm City but the Hall of Heroes isn’t giving them the backing they need to succeed. Strapped for cash, one of their members looks to get a leg up on the competition by any means necessary—little does he know what awaits him on the other…

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  • Halcyon Sunset pt. 2

    Hyperion has gotten everything he’s ever wanted for Team Halcyon but he’s getting the sense things aren’t quite right. Fortunately, a visit to Marcus’ manor sets things straight.

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  • Halcyon Sunset pt. 3

    Now that Marcus has taught him how to be a good boy, Hyperion must prove that he has internalized his lessons by showing off just how good of a boy he really can be.

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  • Halcyon Sunset pt. 4

    Boreas can’t complain about the new digs or the new suits but he remains suspicious about the whole arrangement, especially when the Team is asked to deliberately let a supervillain free.

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  • Halcyon Sunset pt. 5

    Boreas butts head with Marcus as he expresses his suspicions about the latter’s motives but quickly realizes that he is not quite the immovable object he likes to think he is.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

Roiding Out Index

Pete is a bit of a gym bunny. Nothing gives him quite the same sense of serenity pumping iron does but when his happy place is disrupted by the perceived ‘intrusion’ of George, a gay bodybuilder who is out and proud of it, he lashes out in a way that isn’t necessarily the healthiest.

Fortunately for Pete, George has a kind heart and the means to help him achieve a healthier attitude.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

  • Roiding Out pt. 1

    When out and proud bodybuilder George “invades” Pete’s happy place at the gym, he lashes out rather unkindly. Fortunately, George has the means to give him a much-needed attitude adjustment.

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  • Roiding Out pt. 2

    Pete hurries home after his confrontation with George, his chest weighing heavy—both figuratively and literally—with the consequences of his actions.

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  • Roiding Out pt. 3

    Pete’s transformation continues and George pays him a visit to finish the job.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

Super Sucker

Corey Cooper, better known to the people of Selene City as their guardian hero Tempest, is one of the youngest members of the Hall of Heroes and possesses a rather dark secret: he secretly fantasizes about being defeated and brainwashed by one of the most notorious villains in the Artemisian Commonwealth: Imperious.

Note: Use this post to easily access all available super sucker chapters and will be updated with more information about the series as information becomes available.

Toy With Me

James is a man’s man, as straight as they come, but when he loses a bet with a friend and ends up having to finance a guys’ night out, his life ends up taking a turn for the strange.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

Toy With Me pt. 3

James begins to succumb and take on a more active role in his transformation—especially after Erik reveals just how powerless he truly has become. "Come on," said Erik, extending a hand toward James. James stared listlessly at the proffered assistance for a moment before accepting it and clasping Erik’s arm in his. As if to…

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Toy With Me pt. 1

James is a man’s man, as straight as they come, but when he loses a bet with a friend and ends up having to finance a guys’ night out, his life ends up taking a turn for the strange.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

Rubber Bonds

Todd has had the misfortune of having golden boy Chance assigned as his project partner for the rest of the term and he has about had it with the uppity rule-follower. Attempts to find common ground are fruitless and since it will surely drive him insane if he has to put up with any more of Chance’s nonsense, he uses his powers to help the guy loosen up a bit instead.

What ensues is beyond his wildest expectations. Not that he’s complaining in the slightest.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

Rubber Bonds pt. 3

Chance confronts his demons—specifically, the one that’s living in his house—and later has a bit of naughty fun with Todd in the House of the Lord. Todd chewed on his lower lip as he finished the document with a final, embellished keystroke. "There," he said. "How’s that?" "Pretty good, I think," said Chance. Todd raised…

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Rubber Bonds pt. 1

When jockboy Todd is assigned to be partners with golden boy Chance, it’s as if he’s woken up to a nightmare. Fortunately for him, he’s got the power to make things easier for the both of them.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was written as a paid commission. If you are interested in commissioning your own story from me, please see the [Commissions] page for more information!

[Fanfic] Weary Wanderer

Hello there everyone! It’s been some time since the last Final Fantasy XIV fanfic I wrote. This time I bring you something a bit more angsty but just as hot. If you’re interested in reading it, please head on over to the Archive of Our Own posting and take a gander. I’ll leave the link and a quick blurb down below:

Link: [Weary Wanderer on AO3]

When the Warrior of Light and the Scions confront Emet-Selch on a spit of rock overlooking the Final Days of Amaurot, they fight with all their might and yet are found wanting. G’raha bears witness to the unimaginable consequences as the Warrior of Darkness is consumed by Light and is left the only survivor in the aftermath.

Dumbing Doubter

Sean, a preeminent writer of gay erotic romance with a kinkier side, gets into it with a fan over whether hypnosis can really make a person dumber. Sean admits that it’s a hot fantasy, but he doesn’t think it actually works the way some people think it does. The fan is of the opinion that there’s only one way to find out: Sean trying it himself and seeing if it’s effective. Against his better judgment, Sean accepts the bet, all too eager to prove his point and confident that he’ll prevail in the end.

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[Fanfic] Full Thrust

Hello there, everyone! Over the last two days, I’ve been working on something a bit different from my usual stuff. As you might have gathered, from the title, I’ve started writing a bit of fanfic!

Link to Story: [Archive of Our Own] Full Thrust

This first one is a Final Fantasy XIV piece, about my Au Ra Warrior of Light, Alantin, having some fun with the Azure Dragoon, Estinien Wyrmblood. Of course, if you intend to play, or are playing but haven’t yet finished the Heavensward storyline, then be warned that there are spoilers. Here’s a little blurb about it:

Estinien Wyrmblood is tired of the Warrior of Light prancing around Coerthas and Dravania in little more than a leather bikini. Alantin is oblivious to this fact; at least, he is until he pays Estinien a courtesy call soon after the end of the Dragonsong War and gets more than he bargained for.

If you’re interested in reading this story, then please head on over to my Archive of Our Own entry and leave a kudos or a comment if you like it! I hope you enjoy. ♥

Link to Story: [Archive of Our Own] Full Thrust